Yes, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and it's many conservation partners have several programs that can help landowners develop wildlife habitat. The Department Habitat Improvement Program (HIP) is a cost-share program in which Department staff work with private landowners develop a habitat restoration plan and then if appropriate provide cost-share. This program focuses on helping landowners to plant grass/forb nesting cover, plant trees and shrubs where ecologically appropriate and restore or enhance wetland and stream bank areas.
For more information contact your regional IDFG office and ask for the habitat biologist assigned to the district your land is within. The Department also has several "private lands/Farm bill" biologists around the state. These folks are experts in working with federal farm bill programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) and are a good resource for landowners to talk with.
In addition to the Department some other conservation organizations have programs that help landowners develop habitat: Ducks Unlimited and local Pheasants Forever chapters are just two of the many in the state.
Answered on:
Friday, February 8, 2013 - 10:39 AM MST