Are the actual licenses and permits (nonresident hunting & fishing combo and steelhead permit) mailed or does the purchaser only rely on what they print?

As of late April of 2013, online purchasers can print some licenses and permits BUT not others.  In this specific case, the hunting and fishing combo license can be printed by the purchaser.  The steelhead permit cannot. Here is more specific information: Some - but not all - licenses and tags can be printed on your own printer. If your hunting or fishing requires a tag or permit to be notched, validated, or attached to the harvested animal within the next 7-10 days, you should consider purchasing your license, tag, and/or permit through a license vendor in the State of Idaho. What you can print at home....Items such as hunting or fishing licenses and controlled hunt applications can be printed on your home printer. You will only have ONE chance to print the license on your printer. Make sure your printer is on and working properly BEFORE clicking on the print button. If your license doesn't print....When you make your purchase, you will receive a confirmation number. This confirmation number can be used to participate in hunting or fishing activities that DO NOT require a permit or tag to be notched or validated or attached to harvested wildlife. Provide an e-mail address and you will receive an e-mail notification of your purchase with the confirmation number included. What will be mailed to you....All permits and tags that have to be notched or validated or attached to a harvested animal will be printed and mailed to you. This applies to items such as big game tags, salmon and steelhead permits, etc. It will take 5 to 7 business days for mailed items to reach you. Items will be printed and mailed to you within 24 hours of your purchase except for weekends and Holidays. If your hunting and fishing activities do not require a permit or tag to be notched, validated, or attached to a harvested animal, please continue with your purchase. How long is your license valid?All hunting and fishing items are valid for the calendar year and expire on December 31. For example, if you purchase a season fishing license in June, the license will expire on December 31 of that same year.
Answered on: 
Friday, April 26, 2013 - 1:52 PM MDT