I was wondering what you would need as proof of hunting in other states during archery season? I'm 45 years old and have had my hunter safety card for almost 40 years. But I have never gone through an archery class before. I see that you require that to hunt during the archery season. Or is my hunter safety card enough to apply for the archery hunt?
To hunt in an archery-only big game hunt in Idaho you must be able to prove that you have taken an archery-only education course or have hunted in an archery-only hunt in Idaho or another state. If you have fulfilled either of these requirements but you no longer have the proof, you can sign a bowhunter affidavit (available online at https://fishandgame.idaho.gov/public/licenses/huntBowAffidavit.pdf) from a vendor). At that time, you can purchase an archery validation on your license that allows you to participate in an archery-only big game hunt.
Answered on:
Saturday, March 15, 2014 - 1:30 PM MDT