Why is the late archery season only go to December 19th in Unit 63A & why don't we make it Archery only the whole season?
The late season portion of the archery season on the white-tailed deer tag is designed to provide archery opportunity for hunters during and after the rut. It currently runs from Nov 1 through Dec 19th and is longer than most other archery hunts. Several years ago a proposal was put forth to make the white-tail tag in unit 63A archery only. The proposal was very unpopular with hunters that use short-range weapons and muzzleloaders. The Upper Snake Region will be putting forward new proposals this year to adjust the opportunity offered in unit 63A for white-tail and mule deer hunting. We encourage you to participate in the process. A great way to keep up on the season-setting timeline and other fish and game news is to sign up for the Upper Snake Region newsletter. Call us at 525-7290 to subscribe.
Answered on:
Tuesday, January 6, 2015 - 1:35 PM MST