Field Day

I finished the online hunter education course and it said to sign up for a field day but there are no field days available in my area. What do I do?
Field days are offered throughout the calendar year at various times, depending on where you live. More than 14,000 students continually take and pass hunter education in Idaho each year. Classes and field days change often and new opportunities are added constantly, so keep checking the website. You can also sign up for a waiting list if a class is available. However, in late September and October, class availability is very limited. This is largely due to the fact that our hunter ed instructors are volunteers who themselves are out hunting. You have a few options: Take hunter education as early in the year as you can Consider the Hunter Passport program. It lets you hunt in the field with an adult mentor without needing hunter education for a period of one license year.  
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Friday, August 21, 2015 - 4:15 PM MDT