Transporting Kokanee. Can i filet Kokanee in the field for storage and transport home? I will go to deadwood for a few days at a time and can bring home 50 fish. Can they be filet out and the carcasses put in their own cooler?

I will go to Deadwood for a few days at a time and can bring home 50 fish. Sometimes it is so hot they will start to go bad in a day. Can I filet them out with skin on and keep carcasses in their own separate cooler? It is easy to determine species and quantity. I can keep filets bagged and packed much cooler than whole fish.
Greetings,  When it comes to transporting fish, there are some specific (but often overlooked) rules to keep in mind. Your question is very good, as it addresses a gray area when interpreting the head/tail rule for transporting fish. The intention of the rule is for the fish to remain whole while in the field or transport. We recommend you keep the fish intact (gutting is OK) to avoid any law enforcement problems. This is intended to make it clear the number, species, and lengths of fish being kept.    The Idaho Fish and Game Commission has recognised the confusion over this rules and is proposing to make changes to make it easier for anglers to process fish in the field. If you would like to comment on the proposed changes to the "heads/tail rules", you can find our online public comment survey here:   Page 53 of the current fishing regulations states the rule for transporting trout and bass: "Head and Tail Removal:  It is illegal to have in the field or in transit any trout, char, coho, kokanee, grayling, tiger musky, or bass from which the head or tail has been removed."   You can find the current 2013-2015 Fishing Rules at this link:   Good luck fishing at Deadwood!
Answered on: 
Thursday, August 13, 2015 - 9:30 AM MDT