Has the limit of steelhead changed for the Clearwater in 2015?

I heard that the limit for steelhead changed for 2015 on the Clearwater river. Where is that info and how am I suppose to obtain new changes to regulations that change from year to year?
Daily bag limits can be found on page 45 of our 2013 - 2015 Fishing Rules booklet. In 2014, we did an emergency bag limit reduction be cause we were going to be short of brood fish returning to Dworshak and Clearwater Fish Hatcheries. That's probably where the confusion started. 2015 will be a better return year and the daily bag limit reverted back to those in the rule booklet - 3 per day and 9 in possession in the Clearwater River drainage open to fishing.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2015 - 7:06 AM MST