F&G Commission Meeting - minutes

How long until the minutes of the Jan 21 meeting will be available on the website? Why aren't these meetings streamed live and available after the fact?
Thank you for your questions.  The minutes of the January Commission meeting have been posted today and can be found on the website under the About Us section.  The reason that posting of these minutes is delayed has to do with meeting procedures.  The minutes of a previous meeting must be approved by the commission at their next meeting before they can be posted.  Your second question about providing video streaming of commission meetings is starting to be asked more frequently.  With new technology, meeting streaming is becoming easier.  However, while the technology is available, the current employee resources to make this happen are simply not available right now.  Providing video streaming of commission meetings is on the list of desired projects and the agency hopes to be able to provide this service in the not-too-distant future.    
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Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 4:20 PM MDT