landlocked salmon

i noticed while looking at stocking reports that andersen ranch and deadwood reservoirs had some Chinook salmon planted in them. I was wondering how long these fish are expected to live in the reservoir and about how big are they expected to get? also will these fish be able to spawn and create a resident population? thanks
Fall Chinook were stocked in Anderson Ranch Reservoir two years ago.  They are used as a management tool to reduce kokanee numbers to prevent size stunting from over-population.  In reservoirs like Deadwood and Lake Coeur d'Alene where they also feed on kokanee, fall Chinook will achieve ~30" and 20+ pounds.  In the Lake Coeur d'Alene system fall Chinook do run-up tributary streams and successfull spawn.  In the Anderson Ranch system, fall Chinook may attempt to spawn but the lack of suitable habitat will prevent success. We anticipate the fall Chinook in Anderson Ranch should be in the 16"+ range during the 2015 season.  Based on our previous experience with fall Chinook in Anderson Ranch, we expect these fish will live 4-5 years.
Answered on: 
Thursday, January 22, 2015 - 7:47 AM MST