I'm not looking for exact that's impossible but how healthy is the population of crawdads in Cda lake? What about CDA beach area? About what percent (from what you know) do the crawdads make up on a smallmouths diet? What kinds of fish are in CDa lake? What makes up most of a smallies diet on CDA? Thx if you don't know that's fine just anything you do would be much appreciated
We don't typically do crayfish surveys, but we can tell you that all indications are, the population is healthy and makes up a significant portion of the diet of adult bass in CDA lake during the summer. Although we haven't opened CDA lake to the commercial harvest of crayfish, we did have one request two years ago from a commercial angler to fish the lake and he found the size of the crayfish was smaller than most restaurants desired.
Two years ago, the University of Idaho had a graduate student looking at the diet of smallmouth bass in CDA lake and in particular, the percentage of their diet that was made-up of crayfish and snails. I haven't seen the final report but you might want to look at the University of Idaho's website to see if the results have been published. Look under the College of Natural Resources.
I have seen work done on other bodies of water in Idaho and during the summer, crayfish can comprise upwards of 20% of the overall diet of adult largemouth bass. In the winter, the percentage declines to virtually 0%.
Answered on:
Sunday, December 21, 2014 - 7:59 PM MST