I have fished ECR since the early 1970's, mainly ice fishing, and have watched the fishery change with IDFG stocking and the introduction of BLG and CRP form the bucket folks.
Am I to view another change to the fishery as only 2500 truck trout were stocked in 2014 where as the last five years averaged 15,000 TT.
Is the IDFG planning on drawing down the Elk Creek reservoir in 2015?
The IDFG stocking database on our website is not always up to date. We stocked around 15,000 rainbow trout this year into Elk Creek Reservoir. In the future, we plan to put in bigger (12 inches vs 10 inches) but fewer (13,200) fish. Based on our research, this should result in similar catch rates (bigger fish are more aggressive than smaller) and more satisfied anglers (larger fish to catch). When this happens is dependent upon when the hatcheries get up to speed on this program. It could be as early as next year or as late as 2016. If the larger fish are not ready for next year, our plans are to increase the stocking effort in this reservoir to 22,000 10” fish.
Have fun fishing.
Answered on:
Friday, December 5, 2014 - 1:30 PM MST