If I am hunting coyotes, and a bob cat, red fox, wolf, or mountain lion, comes to an electronic call, can I take that animal without a furbearer's license? I understand a tag will be required to harvest a wolf or mountain lion.
For those species that can be hunted such as bobcat, fox, coyote, wolf, and lion, a trapping license is not required. We do not have a furbearer license, only a trapping license that is required for trapping furbearers. Please be sure to check the rules on fox as some counties in the state, i.e. Adams and Valley County have fox hunting restrictions. You may find the rules on furbearers at: http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/public/hunt/?getPage=141
Answered on:
Monday, November 10, 2014 - 1:10 PM MST