Chinook Returns Idaho vs Washington

What can Idaho do to create the record Chinook runs that are occurring in the state of Washington in the state of Idaho?
If you are referring to fall Chinook, you will see a record run of fall Chinook in Idaho in 2014.  Fall Chinook have recently arrived at Bonneville Dam in record numbers - but they are about two weeks later than expected.  That same surge of fish are moving up the Columbia River and many are headed for the Snake and Clearwater River systems. We are making headway with other runs of anadromous salmon.  Improvements in bypass and collection facilities are resulting in higher survival of juvenile fish to the ocean and subsequent returns of adults.  Yes, there is still room for improvement.  We will continue working with all entities to have the best passage conditions possible for Idaho's salmon and steelhead runs.
Answered on: 
Friday, September 12, 2014 - 7:57 AM MDT