Beach's Pond Stocking

Instead of trying to stock bass, bluegill, and catfish in Beach's Pond, why not just stock catfish in Beach's and use Anderson Wetlands for bass and bluegill?
In the past, we have attempted to utilize Beach's Pond for bass, bluegill, and channel catfish.  Unfortunately, this did not work well. In small ponds, channel catfish are substantial predators. In this portion of the state, we now avoid stocking channel catfish in nearly all small ponds (less than 2 acres).  In situations where channel catfish are not harvested quickly, they have the ability to harm other fish populations such as bass and bluegill. For the time being, we do not plan to stock channel catfish in any of the Wilson Ponds.  As a side, there are plenty of outstanding catfishing opportunities in the Snake River, Lake Lowell, Brownlee Reservoir, as well as in several larger ponds around the Treasure Valley.
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Tuesday, September 2, 2014 - 8:34 AM MDT