I was Hiking and found a Billy with two red ear tags i could read one that had the number 13 on it. what does this mean?
Hi Josh,
The mountain goat that you observed with red ear tag 13 was captured last winter in Wyoming near Alpine. During this capture effort, nannies were radio collared and billies were ear tagged. I passed the waypoint and observation information on to the Wyoming biologist working on this project.
These mountain goats are part of a larger study looking at both mountain goats and bighorn sheep in Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. If you are interested in learning more about the study, check out this website.
Thank you for reporting your observation to us. It provided Idaho and Wyoming additional information about mountain goats that winter in Wyoming and possibly summer in Idaho.
Answered on:
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 - 2:39 PM MDT