ATV use

How may I obtain a permit to hunt with an ATV on roads closed to motorized traffic if I can no longer hike to hunt?
This is a question that may have several answers and depends on what kind of a closed area you are trying to access. If the area is on public land such as Forest Service or BLM lands, and the roads or trails you are trying to access are closed for all public access that will require you contacting that particular agency. Lands and or roads/trails closed to all motorized vehicles by the Forest Service and BLM are generally closed to all travel without exception but you will need to check with that agency. If you are trying to access trails that are closed to the use of motorized vehicles as an aid to hunting then you might be eligible for a "disabled person’s motor vehicle hunting permit". This permit can be found at the following link and will require a doctor’s signature. You can find additional information about the Motorized hunting rule on pages 103-106 in the 2014 Big Game regulations.
Answered on: 
Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 1:47 PM MDT