Channel catfish stocking around Boise abandoned?

According to the historical stocking records, adult and juvenile channel cats were stocked in ponds around the Boise area from 2009 to 2011. The records don't show any stocking for 2012 onward except for Lake Lowell. Was the channel catfish stocking program abandoned, and if so why?
Channel catfish adults were transferred to multiple ponds in Southwest Idaho during 2013 and 2014.  The lack of 2013 records in the stocking database is an oversight and will be corrected shortly, whereas the 2014 events have yet to be entered. It should be noted that we no longer stock fingerling channel catfish in smaller waters in this portion of the state as they did not create or contribute to fisheries. The annual stocking of Lake Lowell will continue for the forseeable future, though at a slightly reduced level of 5,000 fingerlings annually.  Past stocking has produced a good yet underutilized fishery with some very large individuals present.    
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 3:51 PM MDT