I submitted a question 2 or 3 weeks ago asking if contract killers would be hired again to go into the backcountry this year to kill off individual wolves or entire packs. Many other questions have been answered since then, but I've received no response. I would really appreciate a response.
There are some backcountry areas where IDFG may use employees/contractors to remove wolves this winter. There are four backcountry areas where IDFG has management plans for reducing predation from wolves, bears, and mountain lions, because predation is having significant negative impacts on backcountry elk populations. One of these predation management plans is for the Middle Fork Salmon River, which is mostly in the Frank Church Wilderness. IDFG will not be using employees/contractors in the Frank Church Wilderness this winter. IDFG may use employees/contractors to remove wolves this winter in parts of the Sawtooth, Panhandle, and Lolo Management Zones as described in the predation management plans for these areas. IDFG has ongoing research regarding predation and elk mortality, and IDFG monitors wolf and elk populations. Idaho will continue to have a viable wolf population, consistent with the plan approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the State to support delisting of wolves under the federal Endangered Species Act. http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/public/docs/wolves/plan02.pdf
Answered on:
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 1:19 PM MDT