I was fishing on the ashton resivor and I caught a tagged trout. What do I do with the trout?
Thank you for your question and congratulations on catching a tagged fish. If you caught a tagged fish of harvestable size, we hope it was good eating!
When you catch a tagged fish, please report the tag using our Tag! You're It! program web page (go to fishandgame.idfg.gov, Fishing tab, Tagging Programs) or you may also call our toll-free Fish Tag Returns hotline at 1-866-258-0338. The info we're looking for is the number on the tag, where and when you caught your fish, what kind it was, and how big it was. Sometimes non-harvestable fish are tagged or you may choose to release the fish, rather than keep it - in that situation, please cut the tag off the fish before releasing it, and report the info on the webpage or using the hotline.
Idaho Fish & Game can estimate population size, harvest, growth, movement, and survival from these tags. The overall goal of all of these tagging studies is to help the department manage Idaho's fisheries and to make fishing better for you. The success of this program relies on voluntary reporting of tagged fish and we truly appreciate your efforts to get this info to us and for taking an active role in the management of your fisheries.
Thanks very much and good luck fishing!
Liz Mamer, Tag! You're It! Program
Answered on:
Monday, July 14, 2014 - 7:15 AM MDT