Why is fish and game officers allowed to ride 4-wheelers on closed rds and place rd closed signs anywhere they want.

the rules says no motorized veichles on closed rds. Then why is it allowed for fish and game to ride there 4-wheelers on closed rds. I understand that your trying to stop people from doing it. that doesn't mean your officers can. They need to learn how to walk or park by the main rd to stop people . Not ride there 4-wheeler up the trail and sit there, Maybe the fish and game should follow the same rules and laws that the public has too. which would you rather have respect from the public or no respect at all.
Wildlife violations and concurrent violations of motorized vehicle restrictions are difficult to detect.  Our officers cannot appropriatley monitor compliance without accessing the roads.  Many times these violations are reported from the public and the only way to seek compliance is by accessing the road.  Access only occurs while acting in an official law enforcement capacity to achieve the intent of the rule.
Answered on: 
Monday, June 30, 2014 - 11:47 AM MDT