Wolf in Idaho City area [Are there large wolf packs in the Id. City area?]

Are there large wolf packs around Idaho City? Where can they be found usually?
There is one documented pack relatively near Idaho City. This pack had a count of 7 individuals at the end of 2013. You can find information for individual packs (reproduction, year end pack size, activity maps) in the 2012 Idaho Wolf Monitoring Progress Report on our website http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/public/wildlife/wolves/. The 2013 Idaho Wolf Monitoring Progress Report will be posted Friday, Apr 4, 2014. Regional Wildlife Biologists may be able to share more specific pack location information, such as recent public sightings or reported harvests. Please contact the appropriate IDFG Regional Office for more information.          
Answered on: 
Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - 3:10 PM MDT