I am an adventurer who has lived in Hagerman for 6 years and have been a frequent visitor for 12. And where the Hagerman Valley has an abundance of sporting opportunities I continue to hear from the locals, Billingsley used to be a spectacular fishery. Some call it "little Silver Creek". Now I fish it regularly and I can attest that there are fish in some stretches that are every bit of 30 lbs and 15 lbs. but of course these are rare. Also I can say what few fish are left are incredibly healthy, active, and strong.
That all being said I am wondering the following:
1. The most bountiful population of the creek being below highway 30, is there a public easement to this section of the creek? If so where?
2. Has something had an impact on the population of both rainbow and brown trout between highway 30 up creek to 1050 East? Dams built? Creek Bottom Dredged? Is there or has there ever been stocking and if so has it ceased?
3. The "middle section" 1050 East up creek to Tupper Grade is a solid stretch. I would expect to see greater numbers of fish based on insect biology, constant flow and temp etc. however this is a great stretch.
4. The upper section between Tupper and Vader Grade. This is an excellent section and well populated. Can I walk and wade this section? I have heard it is not public access up to the high water mark, True or Myth?
5. I have permission to fish the upper section however this is tough due to overgrowth so no report here yet.
I would love to somehow restore Billingsley to the glory days but i just don't know where to start. Any plans to restore? Could you point me in the right direction to assist?
You have a lot of great questions! Please contact the Magic Valley Region office to talk to the Fisheries Department there about your questions. The number is 208-324-4359.
Answered on:
Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 1:07 PM MDT