What is the daily and season bag limit for steelhead on the north fork of the Clearwater in march of 2014?
The returns of large B-run steelhead to the Clearwater River in the 2013-14 return are less than in recent years and in October 2013 the Department asked the Idaho Fish and Game Commission to implement a conservation measure to decrease the likelihood of a broodstock shortfall for hatcheries in that watershed. In response, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved a lower daily bag limit for the Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 seasons in the Clearwater River drainage of one adult adipose fin-clipped steelhead per day . Furthermore, in the North Fork Clearwater and in the mainstem Clearwater downstream of the Orofino Bridge only steelhead 28 inches or less could be kept. That bag limit is still in effect but based on slightly better than expected broodstock trapping results at Dworshak Hatchery this Spring IDFG has proposed that the Commission keep the one fish per day bag limit but lift the size restriction for the North Fork and mainstem Clearwater. The Commission is scheduled to consider that proposal during their March 19-20 meeting. The season limit for the Spring season statewide is 20 adult adipose fin-clipped steelhead.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 12:06 PM MDT