what is the minimum caliber pistol you can use to hunt with?

Min cal pistol to hunt big game, small game, unprotected species
Please refer to our rules for additional information regarding weapon restrictions. For Big Game. No person shall take big game animals with any rimfire rifle, rimfire handgun or any muzzleloading handgun, EXCEPT for mountain lion and trapped gray wolf. For unprotected species. No person hunting permissible furbearing animals or predatory or unprotected wildlife shall hunt with any weapon the possession of which is prohibited by state or federal law. For upland game animals. No person shall take upland game animals with a trap, snare, net, or shotgun using shotgun shells exceeding three and one-half (3 1/2)inches in length. For upland game birds. No person shall take upland game birds with a trap, snare, net, crossbow, or firearms EXCEPT a shotgun using shells not exceeding threeand one-half (3-1/2) inches maximum length, slingshot, hand-held or thrown missiles, EXCEPT forest grouse. Forestgrouse shall not be taken with a trap, snare, net, or crossbow.
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014 - 12:23 PM MST