In an earlier question I asked if you can waterfowl hunt Indian Creek Res along with Blair Res that borders BLM boundries? The posted Answer was. "Both reservoirs can be accessed by public property and there are no rules we are aware of to prevent waterfowl hunting during the set season. Because these reservoirs also border private property, you need to be cognizant of the direction you are shooting. Shooting across private property can be considered trespassing and you can be cited - if the landowner wants to press charges"
I searched online for detailed maps for the two Reservoirs to figure out boundaries and jurisdiction. I came across this link that has service icons for 40 locations. It just so happens to show icons with no hunting in either of the two reservoirs that were mentioned in the earlier answer to be no rules that prevented waterfowl hunting.
So what is it? Please look into this because its conflicting messages. Link:
Ok, you've proven we aren't infallible. The Birding Trail information is not totally correct.
We have confirmed that Indian Creek and Blair Trail reservoirs are open for waterfowl hunting. Just make sure you access both bodies of water via public land or have landowner permission to access from private property.
We have contacted the editor of the Birding Trail webpage and the information will be corrected.
Answered on:
Friday, February 14, 2014 - 2:15 PM MST