If a person has a lifetime hunting license, are they eligible to purchase a sportsman's package? if so, is there a discounted price?

For those individuals who have a lifetime certificate and want to purchase the sportsman's package license, Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) reduces the amount the individual pays for the sportsman's package by the amount of the certificate/license type they have already paid. For example, a person who has a combination lifetime certificate has paid for the license portion of the package. IDFG reduces the amount the person pays for the sportsman's package license by the amount of the combination license (currently $33.50) so the customer will pay $90.75 for their sportsman's package instead of $124.25. You may contact our license section at 208-334-2592 if you have additional questions about lifetime certificates. Thank you.
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Friday, December 6, 2013 - 8:04 AM MST