Does the hunting passport program allow a first-time hunter to purchase a tag? Example: my daughter has not completed hunter safety yet. Can I buy her a tag and can she fill it?
Sorry for the delay in responding.
Yes. If your daughter is 12 years of age or older and has not completed hunter education, she can purchase a Hunting Passport and a deer tag. More information on the program can be found
Must be 12 years of age to hunt big game; 10 years of age to hunt turkey and sandhill crane; 8 years of age to hunt other game birds, upland game animals, furbearers, predatory or unprotected species.
Holders of a Hunting Passport must purchase general season tags and all permits and validations to participate in the hunt.
All hunting rules, seasons and weapon restrictions apply to the holder of a Hunting Passport.
Answered on:
Monday, October 28, 2013 - 3:39 PM MDT