What are the regulations on hunting snakes in Idaho?

Is any license needed for hunting or traping snakes?
Up to 4 individuals from each species of herp (including rattlesnakes) may be taken and possessed (dead or alive) with a hunting license. They can be kept as pets or killed for hat band or other personal uses. Specific to rattlesnakes: Up to 6 rattlesnake skins may be sold/bartered (new). The take and possession limit of 4 still applies, so catch 4, sell the skins and catch 2 more to sell. The rattlesnake skins can only be sold not the entire animal---no meat may be sold, consistant with other F&G rules. No live rattlesnakes may be sold, except with a Commercial permit from Fish and Game. Keeping rattlesnakes alive, requires special cage requirements, glass containers or double screens to prevent fangs from reaching outside cage. If you have other questions, please call your local Fish and Game office.
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Wednesday, June 19, 2013 - 1:31 PM MDT