I have recieved two different answers from two different Fish and Game offices.
To clarify the purpose of the Idaho Fish and Game Commission’s motorized hunting rule, the Commission amended the rule to clearly define where and when the rule applies. The amended rule also clarifies what classification of wildlife are affected.
The rule has a new name which specifically addresses its purpose of addressing motorized use by HUNTERS: “Motorized Hunting Rule”
Previously the rule could have been applied to big game, upland game animals, and upland game bird specific hunts in specific designated units. The rule now applies only to all Big Game animals (including trophy big game) in designated units. The rule is only applied from August 30 through December 31.
During these dates and only in those designated units, specific to all big game hunting, hunters may only use motorized vehicles on established roadways which are open to motorized traffic and capable (legally and physically) of being traveled by full-sized automobiles.
The exceptions to the restriction have also been clarified; the rule again only applies to motorized vehicle uses by hunters off of an established roadway.
· Holders of a valid Handicap Persons Motor Vehicle Hunting Permit may use a motorized vehicle as allowed by the land owner or manager.
· Hunters may use a motorized vehicle to retrieve downed game if such travel is allowed by the land owner or manager.
· Hunters may use a motorized vehicle to pack camping equipment in or out if such travel is allowed by the land owner or manager; however, hunters shall not while packing camping equipment.
· Private landowners on their private land, their authorized agents, and persons with written landowner permission are excepted from the Motorized Hunting Rule use restriction.
The rule has also better defined terms used in the rule:
a. A motorized vehicle shall be defined as any water, land, or air vehicle propelled by means of steam, petroleum products, electricity, or any other mechanical power as set forth in Section 36-202, Idaho Code.
b. A full-sized automobile shall be defined as any motorized vehicle with a gross weight in excess of one thousand five hundred (1,500) pounds. (4-6-05) c. An established roadway shall be defined as any road that is established, built, maintained, approved or designated by any governmental entity or private landowner for the purpose of travel by full-sized automobiles. An established roadway shows evidence of repeated use by full-sized automobiles, and may include a traveled way of natural earth with depressed wheel tracks and little or no vegetation in the wheel tracks. (4-6-05)
d. A hunter shall be defined as a person engaged in the activity of chasing, driving, flushing, attracting, pursuing, worrying, following after or on the trail of, shooting at, stalking, or lying in wait for, any wildlife whether or not such wildlife is then or subsequently captured, killed, taken, or wounded set forth in Section 36-202(j), Idaho Code.
DESIGNATED MOTORIZED VEHICLE USE RESTRICTION HUNTING RULE UNITS. The motorized hunting use restriction applies to units 29, 30, 30A, 32, 32A, 36A, 37, 37A, 39, 45, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 52A 53, 56, 58, 59, 59A, 66, 66A, 69, 70, 72 (late season), 73, 75, 76, 77, and 78.
Answered on:
Monday, May 6, 2013 - 11:41 AM MDT