When is the 2013 opener ? Last year it was April 23, no word for 2013 yet. What's going on

An April 22 Idaho Fish and Game Commission tele-conference to set 2013 salmon fishing seasons has been postponed. Based on low counts of spring Chinook salmon at Bonneville Dam, Fish and Game biologists lack sufficient information to project the size of the salmon run to Idaho. The meeting will be rescheduled when manager have more information about his year's runs size. If fish counts at Bonneville improve, and it appears that the run is returning late, Fish and Game biologists say that salmon returns to Idaho may be enough to allow at least a limited fishing season. Sufficient information may be available late next week to make a better assessment of the timing and numbers of salmon returning to Idaho.  
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013 - 11:10 AM MDT