Children can fish without a license until they are 14.
Hunting is more complex.
If they haven’t had hunter education yet, they can get a hunting passport (detailed information is on our website at
Idaho’s Hunting Passport is a component of Fish and Game’s mentored hunting program. The Hunting Passport allows any first-time hunter, resident or nonresident, age 8 and older to try hunting for one year with an adult mentor without first having to complete an Idaho hunter education course.
Hunting Passport Highlights:
Hunting Passports are only available to first time hunters. Those that have previously held a hunting license in any state are not eligible.
Hunter Education certification is not needed to obtain a Hunting Passport. If an individual has completed a Hunter Education course but has not yet purchased a license, they are eligible for a Hunting Passport.
The minimum age to hold a Hunting Passport is eight years of age; there is no maximum age.
The Hunting Passport is a calendar year item just like a hunting license and expires on December 31 of the year in which it was obtained.
Only one Passport can be purchased in a lifetime. To continue hunting after the Passport expires, completion of a hunter education course and license purchase is required.
Hunting Passports are available at license vendors and Fish and Game regional offices.
Cost is $1.75.
Must be 12 years of age to hunt big game; 10 years of age to hunt turkey and sandhill crane; 8 years of age to hunt other game birds, upland game animals, furbearers, predatory or unprotected species.
If they have taken hunter’s education classes, they must get a license to from age 10. They cannot hunt big game until they turn 12.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 10:51 AM MST