Has the private hunting area at Ted Trueblood WMA been expanded this year?

I have found that an area of Ted Trueblood WMA that I have pheasant hunted every year is now marked off as private land. In the past I have known that an area between the back pond and the front pond by grandview was marked with orange markers. Have they purchased more land this year and closed out hunting except around the back pond? Could it be illegally marked to block hunting for those using that WMA?
The amount of private land within Ted Trueblood WMA has not changed.      There is still a 40 acre square of private property in the middle that is well marked as private/No Trespassing and contains an old house site in the trees on the bench and a private hunting pond on the lower bench between the three WMA ponds.     The change has been the locked gate between the Snake River bridge on ID 167 and the City of Grand View sewage lagoon that has always been on private land.    The owners have chosen to lock their gate to the public to limit trespass.    This road goes through their private property, through the City property on a private easement, and as a private easement through the WMA to the South edge of the private pond.      The land owners also have an easement across the WMA on the upper bench from ID 167 to the North - East corner of their property through a chain link gate at the highway. This does not limit walk-in access from ID 167 parking lot or from the Trueblood Lane side around the 40 acres of private land including the land between the private pond and the Snake River, but does not allow you to trespass on the marked private land or City sewage pond.     Also be aware that most of Ted Trueblood WMA and parts of CJ Strike WMA has a nesting closure beginning February 1 through July.    Please call the CJ Strike WMA office at 845-2324 and leave a message if you find signs where you don't think they should be or have other questions about the Ted Trueblood WMA or CJ Strike WMA.
Answered on: 
Thursday, January 24, 2013 - 1:13 PM MST