Deer crossing I90 concern!

I have a real concern for both humans and the deer on I90, especially the deer that cross I90 east of the Sherman/Fernan Exit all the way west to the 15th street exit. I have seen many dead deer along that stretch but it wasn’t until I hit one myself that really made it a reality! It is heart sickening and could have been very detrimental to myself and the other vehicles around me as well. I would like to know if it is at all possible to put up a seven foot fence to deter the deer from crossing. This would force the deer to cross at the roads that run under the freeway. I was heartbroken to see the deer too late and thank God that no one was behind me for I slammed on my breaks, natural instinct. With all the cars on I90 it was truly a blessing that I did not cause a worse accident with someone slamming into the rear of me. Needless to say, the deer was killed and after I got out of my vehicle to check on her, her baby jumped on the highway and was almost hit as well. This is truly tragic! I am a long time resident of Kootenai County and I am fully aware of knowing the deer will cross the roads. I am always on the lookout for deer; we have a lot of them where I live. What made this so difficult was that there were oncoming traffic headlights, there is the barrier there and she just popped over in the fast lane where I was, for I had just got over to allow vehicles to enter the freeway at the Sherman/Fernan on ramp and there was nothing I could do. What can be done to prevent our deer from being hit in town off I90 where we know this is a major crossing, and protect our drivers from possibly causing a major accident or possibly death?
We appreciate your concern.  Please contact the Idaho Fish and Game Panhandle Region Office (208-769-1414) for information.
Answered on: 
Friday, September 28, 2012 - 2:38 PM MDT