Is the Dept. offering a rattlesnake avoidance class near Boise for dog owners this year?

Leg-hold Trap Education Partners with Rattlesnake Avoidance Training       Hunters and other dog enthusiasts now have another reason to attend an upcoming Rattlesnake Avoidance Training Day. Fish and Game officers will be holding a trap awareness seminar as part of the day’s events.       The combined event will be held at Veterans’ Memorial Park – State Street and Veterans’ Parkway in Boise – on Saturday, August 11th, 2012 from 8:00am to 1:00pm. While the cost of the rattlesnake avoidance training is $40 per dog, the trap awareness seminar is free.       The trap awareness seminar is designed for anyone who regularly takes their dogs to the Boise foothills, other outlying areas and even the greenbelt. “Most dog owners are unfamiliar with traps of any kind,” Fish and Game conservation officer Kurt Stieglitz noted. “This seminar will provide them with some very practical tools related to trapping, including the steps to take if a pet dog ever ends up in a trap.”       Stieglitz and fellow officer Brian Flatter will discuss the different types of traps that might be encountered including leg-hold traps, body-gripping traps and snares, how each trap type works and how to safely release a pet from a trap. Other topics to be covered include trapping seasons, areas to avoid while walking your pet, trapping rules, and what to do if a trap is encountered.       For more information regarding the trap awareness seminar, contact the Idaho Fish and Game Nampa office at 208-465-8465. For more information regarding the Rattlesnake Avoidance Training Day, contact Heidi Funke at 208-463-2304.   - IDFG -
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Tuesday, July 17, 2012 - 4:24 PM MDT