Now, I am confused, I notice some years that zero whitetail non-resident tags are sold. Why is this, Also if I bougth a regular deer tag that was good for both the seasons, why would I want to buy a whitetail tag?

The Department does sell nonresident white-tailed deer tags. The quota of 1,500 white-tailed deer tags you are seeing on our website is an amount above the regular/white-tailed deer tag quota of 12,015. By Idaho Fish and Game Commission rule, the extra 1,500 white-tailed deer tags are available when the regular/white-tailed deer tag quota of 12,015 is sold out. The regular deer tag can be used for both mule deer and white-tailed deer in most units. However, the regular deer tag is generally good only through November 3 for white-tailed deer in most units. The white-tailed deer tag is good only for white-tailed deer and generally is good for hunts later in the year.
Answered on: 
Friday, June 15, 2012 - 7:54 AM MDT