Will you address wolf conflicts and help bring stakeholders together to resolve them?

While the Wildlife Summit will focus on the future of Idaho wildlife management in general, there will be  time during the "Idaho Cafe" segment when participants can discuss specific issues and concerns.  Wolf conflicts could very likely come up.  The Idaho Cafe is designed so that people can bring up issues that matter most to them and to hear and discuss perspectives from others.  These issues/perspectives will be captured on paper and discussed on the Summit's final day as part of the wrap up session.  One of the goals of the Summit is bring diverse interests together and to foster common understanding.  The issues surrounding wolf conflicts will be a challenge, but we hope the Summit will help us make progress.  We are continually adding more information to the Summit webpage about the different segments of the Summit agenda and will have a detailed explanation of the the Idaho Cafe portion posted soon.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - 8:20 AM MDT