What are the reporting requirements? Do I need to contact Fish and Game to report any animal that I salvage?

Notifying Fish and Game within 24 hours and obtaining a salvage permit within 72 hours is a legal requirement to lawfully possess salvaged wildlife.    Within 24 hours, you must report a wildlife salvage by going online to http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/roadkill, which will direct you to a self-generating permit that you can print.  A copy of the permit must accompany the salvaged wildlife.  A copy of the report will be sent electronically to the local IDFG office.  Reporting a wildlife salvage can also be made by contacting your nearest IDFG regional office, conservation officer, or other Fish and Game employee within 24 hours.  If contacting Fish and Game by phone outside normal business hours, it’s critical that you leave your full name, phone number, address, and location of salvage so a permit can be issued to you within 72 hours.      In addition to reporting a wildlife salvage, the following wildlife and their parts must be presented to your nearest IDFG office to satisfy mandatory harvest tagging/pinning report requirements:  SPECIES PARTS TO PRESENT TIME PERIOD TO PRESENT Moose, Mountain Goat, Bighorn Sheep                Antlers or horns Within 10 days of salvage Mountain Lion, Black Bear,  Wolf  Skull and pelt Within 10 days of salvage River Otter Thawed pelt With 72 hours of salvage Bobcat Thawed pelt Within 10 days of salvage Contact your nearest IDFG regional office to make arrangements. 
Answered on: 
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 - 2:27 PM MDT