Can I use an extra turkey tag on a controlled turkey hunt that I drew on to shoot two turkeys?

I drew in unit 71 for spring turkey may 1 to may 25, and I'm wondering if I can buy an extra turkey tag to shoot another turkey on the controlled hunt that I drew on. Also, when is the deadline for me to purchase my controlled turkey tag?
A hunter may use the general tag to hunt in any spring general season and also use this tag with a controlled hunt permit to hunt in a controlled hunt. A second spring bird may be taken with the extra turkey tag. If the general tag or extra tag is not filled during the spring hunt, then that unused tag can be used in a fall general hunt or fall controlled hunt. The spring and fall controlled hunt permits are valid only for specific areas and seasons as designated by hunt number (pages 24 and 25). A turkey hunter must have a spring controlled hunt permit and a valid tag to hunt in a spring controlled hunt. A turkey hunter may only harvest one bird per controlled hunt permit.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012 - 9:27 AM MDT