Proposal for Consideration

On previous questions regarding Lighted Knocks for Archery, the answer was given that " A proposal was submitted in 2011 but not approved, and no Proposal has been received for 2012." How does one go about creating a proposal to be considered by the Commission? I would once again like a Lighted Knock proposal for 2012. Thank you for you time!
Proposals for Fish & Game regulation changes can be submitted in a variety of ways.  Proposals are often submitted at public meetings and open houses hosted by Regional Offices and the Fish and Game Commission.  Additionally, letters, e-mails, and discussions with Department staff are also used to submit proposals.  The Department receives thousands of proposals annually, some of which ultimately result in changes to regulations.  Proposals that have broad public support, including support from organized sportsman's organizations, and are consistent with biological objectives receive considerable consideration by the Department and Commission.
Answered on: 
Thursday, May 31, 2012 - 12:03 PM MDT