NO: (see exception below); as long as the youth has a valid license and tag. Care must be taken by the adult not to enter into the act of “hunting.” They can even have a weapon in possession as the constitution allows. Once they begin pursuing, worrying, following after or on the trail of, shooting at, stalking, or lying in wait for, any wildlife whether such wildlife is then or subsequently captured, killed, taken, or wounded they are considered to be in the act of “hunting” which requires a license.
Stalking, attracting, searching for, or lying in wait for, any wildlife by an unarmed person solely for the purpose of watching wildlife or taking pictures does not constitute “hunting.”
Resident youth hunters in possession of the youth small game hunting license are required to be accompanied by an adult with a valid hunting license in the state of Idaho.
Non-resident youth hunters in possession of a youth mentored license/tag are required to be accompanied by an adult with a valid license and tag for the same area and species. A non-resident youth who chooses to purchase a regular non-resident hunting license is not required to be accompanied by an adult with a valid license and tag for the same area and species. The intent of this rule is to allow young hunters a discounted opportunity to hunt in Idaho while fostering hunter education through the auspices of a mentor.
Accompanied shall mean close enough to be within normal conversation or hearing range without shouting or the aid of electronic devices.
Answered on:
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - 7:57 AM MST