Bounties on Lake Trout in Pend O'Reille

I heard that IDFG was paying a bounty on lake trout in lake Pend O'Reille, but I can't find anything on IDFG's website. Was that a rumor or a discontinued program?


The rainbow trout bounty program on Lake Pend Oreille was discontinued in 2013. The lake trout bounty is still in place. 

Originally, it was funded by Avista Power Company and was intended to assist our agency in restoring/reducing depredation on kokanee by lake trout.  Between the bounty program and selective netting with commercial fishermen, we've reduced lake trout depredation and restored kokanee to Lake Pend Oreille.

Please note: An error on the lake trout program being discontinued was in print on this page until 4/2018.
Answered on: 
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 2:01 PM MST