How do I come a Hunter Safety Course instructor?

I hold an NRA Certification to teach handgun and shotgun/rifle safety for the gun permit. I'd also like to teach Hunter Safety for Idaho's Hunter Safety Course. What is required to teach this course? Thanks Robert Hawthorne
Thank you for your interest in becoming a hunter education instructor. Our instructors are an important part of Idaho's hunter education program. In Idaho, we have 1200 instructors that teach over 700 courses to 15,000 students each year. Hunter education instructors teach firearm safety, wildlife identification and conservation, game laws and ethics. We provide the curriculum and training you'll need. Basic qualifications require that an instructor be at least 18 years of age and knowledgeable about sporting arms, wildlife and hunting, as well as organizing and instructing youth.  Applicants are subject to fingerprinting and a confidential background check by the State Department of Law Enforcement. Complete the Instructor Certification Application form at .  Turn in your completed application into your local Idaho Fish and Game office.
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Friday, May 30, 2014 - 5:07 PM MDT