Are there any white tailed jack rabbits in Idaho? I know they look similar to showshoe hares but are larger.

A couple years ago my spouse and I shot what we thought were showshoe hares in the Owyhee mountains and someone told us they were whitetailed jackrabbits.
Yes.  Both white-tailed and black-tailed jackrabbits are found in Idaho.  I found the following information on the National Geographic website. White-tailed jackrabbits are another common species. They frequent North America's plains and farmlands, though they also inhabit wooded areas. They are prolific eaters and can consume over a pound (0.5 kilograms) of grasses, shrubs, or bark each day. Black-tailed jackrabbits are common in American deserts, scrublands, and other open spaces, including farms. They can consume very large quantities of grasses and plants,including desert species such as sagebrush and cacti. The jackrabbit's breeding prowess is well known. Females can give birth to several litters a year, each with one to six young. The young mature quickly and require little maternal care. Booming jackrabbit populations can cause problems for farmers, especially in light of the animals' healthy appetite. Jackrabbits are often killed for crop protection, but in general their populations are stable and not in need of protection.
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Thursday, December 13, 2012 - 11:35 AM MST