Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 6801 - 6900 of 9863
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Brickellia oblongifolia Narrowleaf Brickell-bush Species Plant G5 SNR 45323
Trifolium longipes ssp. longipes Long-stalk Clover Subspecies Plant G5T3T4 SNR 92573
Aquilegia formosa var. formosa Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 83874
Stellaria crispa Crimped Stitchwort Species Plant G5 SNR 54112
Carex lenticularis Shore Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 40988
Crepis atribarba ssp. atribarba Slender Hawk's-beard Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 91110
Cladonia transcendens Transcending Reindeer Lichen Species Fungi G5 S3 38706
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. procumbens Curve-pod Yellowcress Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 87651
Rumex maritimus Sea-side Dock Species Plant G5 SNR 60863
Symphyotrichum hendersonii Henderson's American-aster Species Plant G4? SNR 47848
Lagopus leucura White-tailed Ptarmigan Species Bird G5 SNA 17222
Caltha leptosepala ssp. howellii Two-flower Marsh-marigold Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 86041
Trifolium cyathiferum Bowl Clover Species Plant G4 SNR 56446
Boisduvalia macrantha Large-flower Spike-primrose Species Plant G3G4 SNR 43522
Recurvirostra americana American Avocet Species Bird G5 S3B,S3M 15289
Phyllodoce x intermedia Hybrid Mountain-heath Species Plant GNA SNA 78908
Symphyotrichum spathulatum Western Mountain Aster Species Plant G5 SNR 41605
Ixobrychus exilis Least Bittern Species Bird G4G5 SNA 19842
Valeriana edulis var. edulis Tobacco-root Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 89722
Cryptantha spiculifera Snake River Cat's-eye Species Plant G4? SNR 50418
Trientalis europaea ssp. arctica Northern Starflower Subspecies Plant Sensitive G5T5 S3 88262
Erigeron jonesii Jones' Fleabane Species Plant G3G4 SNR 59042
Muhlenbergia asperifolia Alkali Muhly Species Plant G5 SNR 46018
Thelypodium sagittatum ssp. sagittatum Slender Thelypody Subspecies Plant G4T4 SNR 84464
Ranunculus glaberrimus Sagebrush Buttercup Species Plant G5 SNR 44150
Pyrola minor Lesser Wintergreen Species Plant G5 SNR 53085
Polemonium viscosum Skunk Polemonium Species Plant G5 SNR 39766
Proboscidea louisianica ssp. louisianica Subspecies Plant GUTU SNR 90210
Sanicula marilandica Black Snake-root Species Plant G5 S3 61502
Eriogonum cernuum Nodding Wild Buckwheat Species Plant G5 SNR 48625
Eriogonum strictum ssp. proliferum Blue Mountain Wild Buckwheat Subspecies Plant G5T3T5 SNR 90215
Sagina saginoides Arctic Pearlwort Species Plant G5 SNR 61503
Camissonia pterosperma Winged-seed Evening Primrose Species Plant 4 G4 S2 48636
Agoseris grandiflora Large-flower False-dandelion Species Plant G5 SNR 51158
Artemisia tripartita ssp. tripartita Threetip Sagebrush Subspecies Plant G5T3T5 SNR 86667
Atriplex canescens Four-wing Saltbush Species Plant G5 SNR 59748
Pyrola elliptica Shinleaf Species Plant G5 SNR 46682
Spizella pallida Clay-colored Sparrow Species Bird G5 SNA 16012
Carex aquatilis var. dives Sitka Sedge Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 85018
Arnica parryi Nodding Arnica Species Plant G5 SNR 42358
Picrothamnus desertorum Bud Sagebrush Species Plant G5 SNR 53701
Collomia debilis var. trifida Alpine Collomia Variety Plant G5T3T5 SNR 88833
Ribes velutinum var. velutinum Desert Gooseberry Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 87227
Carex tahoensis Lake Tahoe Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 57859
Actaea rubra Red Baneberry Species Plant G5 SNR 44883
Panicum hirticaule Mexican Panicgrass Species Plant G5T5 SNR 47410
Geothlypis trichas Common Yellowthroat Species Bird G5 S5B 16670
Alnus incana ssp. rugosa Speckled Alder Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 83522
Plantago tweedyi Tweedy's Plaintain Species Plant G4G5 S2 56072
Astragalus sinuatus Whited's Milkvetch Species Plant G1 SNR 43091
Sambucus racemosa var. racemosa European Red Elder Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 92758
Pogogyne floribunda Profuseflower Mesamint Species Plant G4 S1 51891
Artemisia campestris ssp. borealis var. purshii Northern Sagewort Variety Plant G5T5 S1 89361
Sphenopholis intermedia Slender Wedgescale Species Plant G5 SNR 49873
Polygonum douglasii ssp. engelmannii Engelmann's Knotweed Subspecies Plant G5T3T5 SNR 85735
Polygonum punctatum Dotted Smartweed Species Plant G5 SNR 58608
Elymus glaucus Smooth Wild Rye Species Plant G5 SNR 45638
Mimulus tilingii Subalpine Monkeyflower Species Plant G5 SNR 41146
Draba cuneifolia Wedgeleaf Whitlow-grass Species Plant G5 SNR 43714
Antennaria rosea ssp. arida Rosy Pussytoes Subspecies Plant G5T3T5 SNR 91301
Perideridia bolanderi Bolander's Yampah Species Plant G5 SNR 52614
Symphoricarpos hesperius Spreading Snowberry Species Plant G5 SNR 39358
Phacelia sericea ssp. sericea Silky Scorpionweed Subspecies Plant G5T4T5 SNR 89849
Veratrum californicum California False Hellebore Species Plant G5 SNR 61095
Eurybia conspicua Showy Aster Species Plant G5 SNR 48091
Anas querquedula Garganey Species Bird G5 SNA 17448
Mimulus primuloides var. primuloides Primrose Monkeyflower Variety Plant G4T4 SNR 86302
Dicentra formosa Pacific Bleedinghearts Species Plant G5 SNR 56633
Polyctenium fremontii Fremont's Polyctenium Species Plant G4 SNR 46203
x Pseudelymus saxicola Species Plant GNA SNA 79597
Mimulus moschatus Muskflower Species Plant G5 SNR 55009
Mimulus suksdorfii Suksdorf's Monkeyflower Species Plant G4 SNR 41862
Marmota monax Woodchuck Species Mammal G5 SNA 20065
Symphyotrichum subspicatum var. subspicatum Dougla's Aster Variety Plant G5T3T5 SNR 91822
Angelica pinnata Small-leaf Angelica Species Plant G5 SNR 50647
Poa alpina ssp. alpina Alpine Bluegrass Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 88434
Cercocarpus ledifolius Curl-leaf Mountain-mahogany Species Plant G5 SNR 59289
Chenopodium leptophyllum Narrowleaf Goosefoot Species Plant G5 SNR 48842
Thermopsis montana var. montana Montane Golden-banner Variety Plant G4G5T4T5 SNR 86832
Poa reflexa Nodding Bluegrass Species Plant G5 SNR 57343
Boisduvalia glabella Smooth Spike-primrose Species Plant G5 SNR 44436
Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana White Sagebrush Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 83067
Penstemon eriantherus Crested-tongue Beardtongue Species Plant G4 SNR 42649
Potamogeton filiformis var. alpinus Northern Slender Pondweed Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 90413
Lomatium hendersonii Henderson's Desert-parsley Species Plant G5? SNR 61811
Astragalus argophyllus Silverleaf Milkvetch Species Plant G5 SNR 51409
Antennaria rosea ssp. pulvinata Rosy Pussytoes Subspecies Plant G5T5? SNR 89022
Carex illota Small-head Sedge Species Plant G4G5 SNR 59982
Penstemon rydbergii var. aggregatus Rydberg's Beardtongue Subspecies Plant SNR 85219
Androsace occidentalis Western Rock-jasmine Species Plant G5 SNR 55747
Epilobium obcordatum Rock-fringe Willowherb Species Plant G4 S3 45081
Cerastium arvense ssp. velutinum Field Chickweed Subspecies Plant G5T4? SNR 92372
Ericameria parryi var. howardii Howard's Rabbitbrush Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 83650
Castilleja tenuis Hairy Owl's-clover Species Plant G5 SNR 53909
Calochortus nuttallii Nuttall's Mariposa Lily Species Plant G5 SNR 40742
Eriogonum effusum var. effusum Spreading Wild Buckwheat Variety Plant G4G5T4Q SNR 90929
Moneses uniflora One-flower Wintergreen Species Plant G5 SNR 49505
Pinus contorta var. murrayana Murray's Lodgepole Pine Variety Plant G5T4? SNR 87421
Alopecurus alpinus Mountain Foxtail Species Plant G5 SNR 58121
Psaltriparus minimus Bushtit Species Bird G5 S3 16925