Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 9301 - 9400 of 9863
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Spinus tristis American Goldfinch Species Bird G5 S5 19583
Actitis macularius Spotted Sandpiper Species Bird G5 S3B 19566
Tringa solitaria Solitary Sandpiper Species Bird G5 S1M 19563
Bucephala islandica Barrow's Goldeneye Species Bird G5 S3B,S3N 19554
Eptesicus fuscus Big Brown Bat Species Mammal 2 G5 S3 19549
Pandion haliaetus Osprey Species Bird G5 S4B 19547
Piranga ludoviciana Western Tanager Species Bird G5 S5B 19527
Oreochromis mossambicus Mozambique Tilapia Species Fish G5 SNA 19521
Tringa melanoleuca Greater Yellowlegs Species Bird G5 S3M 19516
Elanus leucurus White-tailed Kite Species Bird G5 SNA 19513
Cygnus columbianus Tundra Swan Species Bird G5 S4M,S4N 19507
Coccyzus americanus Yellow-billed Cuckoo Species Bird Threatened 1 Sensitive G5 S1B Tier 1 19476
Vermivora cyanoptera Blue-winged Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 19471
Quiscalus quiscula Common Grackle Species Bird G5 S1B 19468
Chlidonias niger Black Tern Species Bird 2 G4 S2B Tier 2 19458
Myiarchus cinerascens Ash-throated Flycatcher Species Bird G5 S4B 19453
Mergus merganser Common Merganser Species Bird G5 S3 19445
Cyprinus carpio Common Carp Species Fish G5 SNA 19422
Sitta carolinensis White-breasted Nuthatch Species Bird G5 S4 19419
Setophaga dominica Yellow-throated Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 19404
Pipilo erythrophthalmus Eastern Towhee Species Bird G5 SNA 19397
Catherpes mexicanus Canyon Wren Species Bird G5 S5 19377
Falco columbarius Merlin Species Bird G5 S4 19374
Buteo swainsoni Swainson's Hawk Species Bird G5 S5B 19372
Bombycilla garrulus Bohemian Waxwing Species Bird G5 S4N 19371
Poecile atricapillus Black-capped Chickadee Species Bird G5 S4 19370
Empidonax minimus Least Flycatcher Species Bird G5 S2B 19368
Gallinula galeata Common Gallinule Species Bird G5 SNA 19361
Aphelocoma californica Western Scrub-Jay Species Bird G5 S3 19360
Baeolophus ridgwayi Juniper Titmouse Species Bird G5 S1 19346
Eremophila alpestris Horned Lark Species Bird G5 S5 19323
Coregonus clupeaformis Lake Whitefish Species Fish G5 SNA 19320
Sciurus niger Eastern Fox Squirrel Species Mammal G5 SNA 19312
Leucosticte atrata Black Rosy-Finch Species Bird G4 S2 Tier 3 19308
Loxia leucoptera White-winged Crossbill Species Bird G5 S4 19302
Megaceryle alcyon Belted Kingfisher Species Bird G5 S4 19300
Spizella arborea American Tree Sparrow Species Bird G5 S3N 19294
Synaptomys borealis Northern Bog Lemming Species Mammal Sensitive G5 S3 Tier 3 19288
Cygnus buccinator Trumpeter Swan Species Bird 2 Sensitive G4 S1B,S4N Tier 2 19287
Phalaropus tricolor Wilson's Phalarope Species Bird G5 S4B 19272
Larus glaucoides Iceland Gull Species Bird G5 SNA 19271
Setophaga citrina Hooded Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 19256
Mergus serrator Red-breasted Merganser Species Bird G5 S1M 19224
Melospiza lincolnii Lincoln's Sparrow Species Bird G5 S5B 19196
Troglodytes aedon House Wren Species Bird G5 S4B 19194
Centrocercus urophasianus Greater Sage-Grouse Species Bird 2 Sensitive G3G4 S3 Tier 1 19187
Reithrodontomys megalotis Western Harvest Mouse Species Mammal G5 S4 19182
Pylodictis olivaris Flathead Catfish Species Fish G5 SNA 19177
Setophaga castanea Bay-breasted Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 19166
Bassariscus astutus Ringtail Species Mammal G5 SNA 19153
Calypte costae Costa's Hummingbird Species Bird G5 SNA 19136
Polioptila caerulea Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Species Bird G5 S5B 19135
Aythya valisineria Canvasback Species Bird G5 S3B,S3N 19131
Phalaropus lobatus Red-necked Phalarope Species Bird G4G5 S3M 19127
Anas platyrhynchos Mallard Species Bird G5 S4B,S4N 19118
Canis lupus Gray Wolf Species Mammal Delisted 2 Sensitive Sensitive G4G5 S4 19117
Buteo lagopus Rough-legged Hawk Species Bird G5 S4N 19112
Himantopus mexicanus Black-necked Stilt Species Bird G5 S4B 19107
Phenacomys intermedius Western Heather Vole Species Mammal G5 S5 19102
Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow Trout Species Fish G5 SNA 19083
Myodes gapperi Southern Red-backed Vole Species Mammal G5 S4 19078
Sturnella neglecta Western Meadowlark Species Bird G5 S5 19075
Calidris acuminata Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Species Bird G5 SNA 19074
Catostomus platyrhynchus Mountain Sucker Species Fish G5 S4 19068
Oreothlypis ruficapilla Nashville Warbler Species Bird G5 S4B 19054
Picoides pubescens Downy Woodpecker Species Bird G5 S4 19049
Calcarius ornatus Chestnut-collared Longspur Species Bird G5 SNA 19046
Columba livia Rock Pigeon Species Bird G5 SNA 19045
Pseudacris sierra Sierran Treefrog Species Amphibian G5 S5 19041
Rana luteiventris Columbia Spotted Frog (Northern Population) Species Amphibian Sensitive G4 S4 19034
Xiphophorus hellerii Green Swordtail Species Fish G5 SNA 19024
Archilochus colubris Ruby-throated Hummingbird Species Bird G5 SNA 19020
Elgaria coerulea Northern Alligator Lizard Species Reptile G5 S4 19008
Aegolius funereus Boreal Owl Species Bird Sensitive G5 S1 19007
Lepomis gibbosus Pumpkinseed Species Fish G5 SNA 19003
Larus argentatus Herring Gull Species Bird G5 S2N 18996
Numenius phaeopus Whimbrel Species Bird G5 SNA 18980
Psiloscops flammeolus Flammulated Owl Species Bird 2 Sensitive Sensitive G4 S3B 18963
Ictalurus furcatus Blue Catfish Species Fish G5 SNA 18956
Vireo solitarius Blue-headed Vireo Species Bird G5 SNA 18953
Nycticorax nycticorax Black-crowned Night-Heron Species Bird G5 S2B,S2N 18945
Falcipennis canadensis Spruce Grouse Species Bird G5 S4 18922
Spea intermontana Great Basin Spadefoot Species Amphibian G5 S4 18916
Pinicola enucleator Pine Grosbeak Species Bird G5 S4 18911
Noturus gyrinus Tadpole Madtom Species Fish G5 SNA 18906
Scapanus orarius Coast Mole Species Mammal 2 G5 S3 18893
Sorex nanus Dwarf Shrew Species Mammal G4 S2 18888
Acrocheilus alutaceus Chiselmouth Species Fish G5 S4 18873
Histrionicus histrionicus Harlequin Duck Species Bird 2 Sensitive Sensitive G4 S1B Tier 2 18872
Poecile rufescens Chestnut-backed Chickadee Species Bird G5 S5 18867
Thomomys townsendii Townsend's Pocket Gopher Species Mammal G4G5 S4 18853
Dumetella carolinensis Gray Catbird Species Bird G5 S5B 18849
Anas americana American Wigeon Species Bird G5 S4B,S4N 18845
Setophaga pensylvanica Chestnut-sided Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 18840
Martes americana American Marten Species Mammal G5 S5 18839
Euderma maculatum Spotted Bat Species Mammal 2 Sensitive G4 S3 18838
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Red Squirrel Species Mammal G5 S5 18827
Tyrannus verticalis Western Kingbird Species Bird G5 S5B 18816
Micropterus dolomieu Smallmouth Bass Species Fish G5 SNA 18815
Odocoileus virginianus White-tailed Deer Species Mammal G5 S5 18807