Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 5701 - 5800 of 9863
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Sialia currucoides Mountain Bluebird Species Bird G5 S5B 18274
Antennaria howellii ssp. neodioica Small Pussytoes Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 86398
Juncus saximontanus Rocky Mountain Rush Species Plant G5 SNR 53877
Crassula viridis Prickly-seed Pygmyweed Species Plant G1G3 SNR 43358
Lepidium densiflorum Dense-flower Pepper-grass Species Plant G5 SNR 51968
x Elyhordeum macounii Species Plant GNA SNA 79583
Agrostis idahoensis var. idahoensis Idaho Bentgrass Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 87033
Xiphophorus hellerii Green Swordtail Species Fish G5 SNA 19024
Ranunculus rhomboideus Prairie Buttercup Species Plant G5 SNR 61123
Astragalus atratus Mourning Milkvetch Species Plant G4G5 S4 49177
Mentzelia laevicaulis var. laevicaulis Giant Blazingstar Variety Plant G4G5T4T5 SNR 89790
Lomatium graveolens var. graveolens Stinking Lomatium Variety Plant G5?T4 SNR 91299
Marsilea vestita ssp. vestita Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 83308
Sporobolus cryptandrus Sand Dropseed Species Plant G5 SNR 46748
Brickellia oblongifolia Narrowleaf Brickell-bush Species Plant G5 SNR 45323
Erigeron austiniae Sagebrush Fleabane Species Plant G4G5 SNR 39218
Luzula multiflora var. multiflora Common Woodrush Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 91995
Numenius phaeopus Whimbrel Species Bird G5 SNA 18980
Oxalis trilliifolia Trillium-leaved Wood-sorrel Species Plant G5 S1 50049
Alnus rhombifolia White Alder Species Plant G5 SNR 56291
Clematis hirsutissima Clustered Leather-flower Species Plant G4 SNR 55778
Aythya americana Redhead Species Bird G5 S4 19837
Artemisia packardiae Packard's Mugwort Species Plant G3 S3 61848
Iva xanthifolia Coarse Sumpweed Species Plant G5 SNR 42365
Poa fendleriana Muttongrass Species Plant G5 SNR 52943
Lycopus asper Rough Bugleweed Species Plant G5 SNR 59653
Linnaea borealis ssp. longiflora Twinflower Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 84460
Euphorbia spathulata Reticulate-seeded Spurge Species Plant G5 SNR 40123
Balsamorhiza hookeri var. idahoensis Hooker's Balsamroot Variety Plant G5T3? SNR 85218
Carex scopulorum var. prionophylla Saw-leaved Sedge Variety Plant G5T3? SNR 85984
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa Rubber Rabbitbrush Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 93161
Muhlenbergia asperifolia Alkali Muhly Species Plant G5 SNR 46018
Phacelia ivesiana Ives' Scorpionweed Species Plant G5 SNR 51445
Mertensia platyphylla Broad-leaf Bluebells Species Plant G3? SNR 39921
Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. polyphyllus Subspecies Plant SNR 92507
Draba lemmonii Lemmon's Whitlow-grass Species Plant G4 SNR 57317
Leptarrhena pyrolifolia Leather-leaf Saxifrage Species Plant G5 SNR 43884
Juncus alpinoarticulatus Northern Green Rush Species Plant G5 SNR 46022
Carex platylepis Broad-scale Sedge Species Plant G4? SNR 42912
Procyon lotor Northern Raccoon Species Mammal G5 S5 77652
Townsendia exscapa Silky Townsend-daisy Species Plant G5 SNR 39955
Betula papyrifera var. commutata Western Paper Birch Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 92510
Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior Annual Ragweed Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 90331
Rhus glabra Smooth Sumac Species Plant G5 SNR 48774
Ranunculus adoneus Western Wild Buttercup Species Plant G4G5 SNR 50806
Claytonia rubra ssp. depressa Subspecies Plant G5T5? SNR 89462
Eriogonum effusum var. effusum Spreading Wild Buckwheat Variety Plant G4G5T4Q SNR 90929
Torreyochloa pallida Pale Manna Grass Species Plant G5 SNR 58790
Symphyotrichum campestre Western Meadow-aster Species Plant G5 SNR 48171
Eriogonum salicornioides Annual Salt Buckwheat Species Plant G3G4 S3 60401
Penstemon payettensis Payette's Beardtongue Species Plant G4 SNR 40864
Arenaria congesta var. cephaloidea Capitate Sandwort Variety Plant G5T3T5 SNR 88284
Senecio streptanthifolius var. streptanthifolius Cleftleaf Ragwort Variety Plant G5T5?Q SNR 86599
Calamagrostis montanensis Plains Reedgrass Species Plant G5 SNR 54105
Salix sitchensis Sitka Willow Species Plant G5 SNR 58108
Taraxacum officinale Common Dandelion Species Plant G5 SNR 44653
Cordylanthus parviflorus Purple Bird's-beak Species Plant G4G5 SNR 52209
Penstemon ellipticus Egg-leaf Beardtongue Species Plant G4G5 SNR 55257
Dryas drummondii var. drummondii Yellow Mountain-avens Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 87254
Arnica cordifolia Heart-leaved Arnica Species Plant G5 SNR 61374
Arabis lasiocarpa Wasatch Range Rockcress Species Plant G3 SNA 41878
Penstemon attenuatus var. militaris Taper-leaved Beardtongue Variety Plant G4T4 SNR 84049
Carex parryana var. parryana Parry's Sedge Variety Plant G4G5T4T5 SNR 84836
Sayornis phoebe Eastern Phoebe Species Bird G5 SNA 17365
Pedicularis parryi ssp. purpurea Parry's Lousewort Subspecies Plant SNR 88842
Arabis lyallii var. nubigena Variety Plant G5T2T4 SNR 83573
Pyrrocoma hirta Tacky Goldenweed Species Plant G4G5 S3 47011
Cladonia bellidiflora Cup Lichen Species Fungi G5 S1 36205
Elymus glaucus Smooth Wild Rye Species Plant G5 SNR 45638
Kochia americana Perennial Summer-cypress Species Plant G5 SNR 39459
Heuchera grossulariifolia var. grossulariifolia Gooseberry-leaved Alumroot Variety Plant G4T4 SNR 92145
Townsendia condensata var. condensata Cushion Townsend-daisy Variety Plant G4T4 SNR 90002
Viola bicolor Field Pansy Species Plant G5 SNR 50336
Potentilla norvegica ssp. monspeliensis Norwegian Cinquefoil Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 89088
Zonotrichia leucophrys White-crowned Sparrow Species Bird G5 S5 20050
Potentilla pensylvanica Pennsylvania Cinquefoil Species Plant G5 SNR 53189
Polygonum erectum Erect Knotweed Species Plant G5 SNR 58295
Saxifraga cespitosa Tufted Saxifrage Species Plant G5 SNR 47704
Penstemon cusickii Cusick's Beardtongue Species Plant G4 SNR 59903
Conyza canadensis var. glabrata Canada Horseweed Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 84617
Madia glomerata Mountain Tarweed Species Plant G5 SNR 40347
Corvus corax Common Raven Species Bird G5 S5 18042
Gavia adamsii Yellow-billed Loon Species Bird G4 SNA 15363
Plantago elongata ssp. elongata Slender Plantain Subspecies Plant G4T4 SNR 86204
Silene oregana Oregon Catchfly Species Plant G5 SNR 53667
Marah oreganus Coast Manroot Species Plant G5 SNR 57586
Scirpus pallidus Pale Bulrush Species Plant G5 SNR 44096
Calystegia sepium Hedge False Bindweed Species Plant G5 SNR 43169
Astragalus platytropis Broad-keeled Milk-vetch Species Plant G5 S3 51733
Fragaria x ananassa var. cuneifolia Strawberry Variety Plant GNA SNA 78848
Juncus tenuis var. tenuis Slender Rush Subspecies Plant SNR 86864
Lesquerella multiceps Manyhead Bladderpod Species Plant G3 S2 60882
Ranunculus cymbalaria var. cymbalaria Seaside Crowfoot Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 90528
Allium drummondii Drummond's Onion Species Plant G5 SNR 41337
Phlox speciosa ssp. occidentalis Subspecies Plant G5TNR SNR 83648
Draba nemorosa Wood Whitlow-grass Species Plant G5 SNR 58994
Lomatium sandbergii Sandberg's Desert-parsley Species Plant G4 SNR 48480
Malacothrix sonchoides Sow-thistle Desert-dandelion Species Plant G5 SNR 41059
Calamagrostis canadensis var. macouniana Blue-joint Reedgrass Variety Plant G5T5? SNR 88443
Coreopsis tinctoria var. tinctoria Golden Tickseed Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 83121