Species Conservation Status
The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists.
- BLM - Bureau of Land Management Sensitive Species of Special Concern
- USESA - United States Endangered Species Act
- USFS1 - US Forest Service Northern Region Sensitive Species
- USFS4 - US Forest Service Intermountain Region Sensitive Species
- GRank - Global Species Rank learn more
- SRank - State Species Rank learn more
- SGCN - Species of Greatest Conservation need identified in the Idaho State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP)
- IDAPA - Classification of wildlife defined in IDAPA 13.01.06
Scientific Name | Common Name | Taxa | Category | USESA | BLM | USFS1 | USFS4 | GRank | SRank | SGCN | ID |
Symphyotrichum falcatum var. falcatum | White Prairie American-aster | Variety | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 91888 | |||||
Bryum violaceum | Species | Plant | G5? | SNR | 37178 | ||||||
Gaura coccinea | Scarlet Gaura | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 56108 | |||||
Cirsium undulatum var. undulatum | Nodding Thistle | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 88474 | |||||
Chamaesyce maculata | Spotted Spurge | Species | Plant | G5? | SNR | 47547 | |||||
Hieracium gracile | Alpine Hawkweed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 61867 | |||||
Cyperus filiculmis | Slender Flatsedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 51944 | |||||
Lomatium juniperinum | Juniper Desert-parsley | Species | Plant | G3G5 | SNR | 43219 | |||||
Dichanthelium acuminatum var. fasciculatum | Western Witchgrass | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 86867 | |||||
Selaginella wallacei | Wallace's Spike-moss | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 60472 | |||||
Plantago aristata | Large-bract Plantain | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 41283 | |||||
Regulus satrapa | Golden-crowned Kinglet | Species | Bird | G5 | S5 | 16028 | |||||
Subularia aquatica var. americana | Water Awlwort | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 90452 | |||||
Cryptogramma acrostichoides | American Rockbrake | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 54401 | |||||
Psilocarphus oregonus | Oregon Woolly-heads | Species | Plant | G4 | S3 | 45775 | |||||
Hierochloe hirta ssp. arctica | Common Northern Sweet Grass | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 89053 | |||||
Petrophyton caespitosum | Caespitose Rockmat | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 52667 | |||||
Trifolium eriocephalum ssp. martinii | Subspecies | Plant | G5T2T4Q | SNR | 85293 | ||||||
Helianthus annuus | Common Sunflower | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 43860 | |||||
Eriogonum cernuum var. cernuum | Nodding Wild Buckwheat | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 92412 | |||||
Prosartes hookeri | Hooker's Mandarin | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 39499 | |||||
Saxifraga bronchialis ssp. austromontana | Yellow-spot Saxifrage | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 83696 | |||||
Cirsium eatonii | Eaton's Thistle | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 56669 | |||||
Penstemon elegantulus | Lovely Penstemon | Species | Plant | G4 | S3 | 48280 | |||||
Melanerpes carolinus | Red-bellied Woodpecker | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 16674 | |||||
Viburnum opulus var. americanum | Highbush Cranberry | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SX | 90968 | |||||
Angelica kingii | Nevada Angelica | Species | Plant | 3 | G4 | S1 | 55033 | ||||
Amelanchier alnifolia var. semiintegrifolia | Saskatoon Serviceberry | Variety | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 87464 | |||||
Lycopus uniflorus | Northern Bugleweed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 50686 | |||||
Arabis hirsuta | Western Hairy Rockcress | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 42060 | |||||
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. curvisiliqua | Curve-pod Yellowcress | Variety | Plant | G5TNR | SNR | 85943 | |||||
Camassia quamash | Common Camassia | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 48886 | |||||
Sparganium emersum | Simplestem Bur-reed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 57387 | |||||
Agastache urticifolia var. urticifolia | Nettleleaf Giant-hyssop | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 89630 | |||||
Festuca ovina | Ovina Fescue | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 53303 | |||||
Clematis ligusticifolia | Western Virgin's-bower | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 44633 | |||||
Spiraea splendens var. rosea | Rose Meadowsweet | Variety | Plant | G5TU | SNR | 88143 | |||||
Sporobolus compositus | Tall Dropseed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 51433 | |||||
Poa fendleriana ssp. fendleriana | Muttongrass | Subspecies | Plant | SNR | 84329 | ||||||
Trichophorum caespitosum | Tufted Clubrush | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 42793 | |||||
Eurybia merita | Arctic Aster | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 60009 | |||||
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus var. stenophyllus | Sticky-leaf Rabbitbrush | Variety | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 91497 | |||||
Carex leporinella | Sierran Hare Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55767 | |||||
Claytonia rubra | Red-stem Springbeauty | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 47099 | |||||
Lepus townsendii | White-tailed Jackrabbit | Species | Mammal | G5 | S4 | 15559 | |||||
Zizania aquatica var. aquatica | Indian Wild Rice | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 90089 | |||||
Taxus brevifolia | Pacific Yew | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 53958 | |||||
Calidris bairdii | Baird's Sandpiper | Species | Bird | G5 | S2M | 20080 | |||||
Heterotheca villosa var. foliosa | Hairy False Goldenaster | Variety | Plant | G5T5? | SNR | 86533 | |||||
Epilobium halleanum | Glandular Willowherb | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 45272 | |||||
Carex phaeocephala | Mountain Hare Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 40923 | |||||
Lepomis cyanellus | Green Sunfish | Species | Fish | G5 | SNA | 18179 | |||||
Astragalus miser var. tenuifolius | Timber Milkvetch | Variety | Plant | G5T3 | SNR | 92063 | |||||
Caloplaca sorocarpa | Orange Lichen | Species | Fungi | GNR | SNR | 38295 | |||||
Asclepias fascicularis | Narrowleaf Milkweed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 56283 | |||||
Agoseris glauca var. dasycephala | Pale Goat-chicory | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 88689 | |||||
Downingia bicornuta | Double-horn Downingia | Species | Plant | G3G4 | SNR | 47776 | |||||
Agrostis idahoensis | Idaho Bentgrass | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 52198 | |||||
Cinna latifolia | Slender Wood Reedgrass | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 43458 | |||||
Potentilla rivalis var. millegrana | Variety | Plant | G5T5? | SNR | 87046 | ||||||
Thelypodium laciniatum | Cut-leaf Thelypody | Species | Plant | G5 | S5 | 50235 | |||||
Hieracium gracile var. gracile | Alpine Hawkweed | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 83328 | |||||
Angelica roseana | Rock Angelica | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 41525 | |||||
Alosa sapidissima | American Shad | Species | Fish | G5 | SNA | 16293 | |||||
Mentzelia torreyi var. torreyi | Torrey's Stickleaf | Variety | Plant | G4T3T4 | SNR | 90647 | |||||
Philadelphus lewisii var. helleri | Lewi's Mock-orange | Variety | Plant | G5TNR | SNR | 92592 | |||||
Stipa nevadensis | Nevada Needlegrass | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 56801 | |||||
Ribes lacustre | Bristly Black Currant | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 45987 | |||||
Astragalus newberryi var. newberryi | Newberry's Milkvetch | Variety | Plant | G5T5? | SNR | 89232 | |||||
Dumetella carolinensis | Gray Catbird | Species | Bird | G5 | S5B | 18849 | |||||
Rorippa palustris ssp. fernaldiana | Marsh Yellowcress | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 85548 | |||||
Cryptantha watsonii | Watson's Cat's-eye | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 44056 | |||||
Arnica cordifolia | Heart-leaved Arnica | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 61374 | |||||
Lewisia nevadensis | Nevada Bitterroot | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 39712 | |||||
Ambrosia trifida var. trifida | Subspecies | Plant | SNR | 83905 | |||||||
Lindernia dubia | Yellowseed False Pimpernel | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 59519 | |||||
Oxytropis deflexa var. foliolosa | Pendent-pod Crazyweed | Variety | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 91153 | |||||
Ranunculus gmelinii | Small Yellow Water-crowfoot | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55232 | |||||
Corallorhiza maculata var. maculata | Spotted Coralroot | Variety | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 89724 | |||||
Poa cusickii | Cusick's Bluegrass | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 50986 | |||||
Poa leibergii | Leiberg's Bluegrass | Species | Plant | SNR | 53488 | ||||||
Astragalus argophyllus var. argophyllus | Silverleaf Milkvetch | Variety | Plant | G5T4 | SNR | 86116 | |||||
Montia fontana | Fountain Miner's-lettuce | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 49121 | |||||
Salix x rubens | Species | Plant | GNA | SNA | 79028 | ||||||
Allenrolfea occidentalis | Iodine Bush | Species | Plant | G4 | S1 | 57620 | |||||
Polygonum lapathifolium var. lapathifolium | Hedge Cornbind | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 91646 | |||||
Carex pachystachya | Thick-head Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55905 | |||||
Polypodium hesperium | Western Polypody | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 44811 | |||||
Carex luzulina var. atropurpurea | Woodrush Sedge | Variety | Plant | G5T4 | SNR | 88318 | |||||
Rumex densiflorus | Dense-flower Dock | Species | Plant | G4? | SNR | 47332 | |||||
Campanula parryi var. idahoensis | Parry's Northern Harebell | Subspecies | Plant | SNR | 84515 | ||||||
Astragalus canadensis var. mortonii | Canadian Milkvetch | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 86669 | |||||
Opuntia fragilis | Brittle Prickly-pear | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 60217 | |||||
Mustela erminea | Ermine or Short-tailed Weasel | Species | Mammal | G5 | S4 | 17667 | |||||
Penstemon flavescens | Pennell Beardtongue | Species | Plant | G3 | SNR | 49711 | |||||
Calochortus elegans | Elegant Mariposa-lily | Species | Plant | SNR | 58376 | ||||||
Acipenser transmontanus | White Sturgeon | Species | Fish | 2 | G4 | S2 | 15794 | ||||
Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens | Western Bracken | Variety | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 90248 | |||||
Platanthera dilatata | Leafy White Orchis | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 54150 | |||||
Limosella acaulis | Southern Mudwort | Species | Plant | G5 | S2 | 45553 |