Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 701 - 800 of 9916
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Potamogeton nodosus Longleaf Pondweed Species Plant G5 SNR 56789
Heuchera grossulariifolia Gooseberry-leaf Alumroot Species Plant G4 SNR 56922
Carex heteroneura Different-nerve Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 57083
Lupinus cusickii Cusick's Lupine Species Plant G1 SNR 57200
Aythya affinis Lesser Scaup Species Bird G5 S3B,S3N 18325
Rissa tridactyla Black-legged Kittiwake Species Bird G5 SNA 18429
Carex scoparia Broom Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 57506
Potamogeton praelongus White-stem Pondweed Species Plant G5 SNR 57602
Alyssum desertorum Desert Alyssum Species Plant GNR SNA 57712
Couesius plumbeus Lake Chub Species Fish G5 S3 18798
Sarcobatus vermiculatus Black Greasewood Species Plant G5 SNR 57874
Asclepias subverticillata Bedstraw Milkweed Species Plant G4G5 SNR 58013
Cardamine cordifolia Heartleaf Bittercress Species Plant G5 SNR 58127
Phalaropus lobatus Red-necked Phalarope Species Bird G4G5 S3M 19127
Tetradymia canescens Gray Horsebrush Species Plant G5 SNR 58288
Agrostis variabilis Variable Bentgrass Species Plant G5 SNR 58409
Catherpes mexicanus Canyon Wren Species Bird G5 S5 19377
Pandion haliaetus Osprey Species Bird G5 S4B 19547
Packera paupercula Balsam Ragwort Species Plant G5 SNR 58676
Mus musculus House Mouse Species Mammal G5 SNA 19691
Erigeron latus Broad Fleabane Species Plant G3 S3 58768
Pomoxis annularis White Crappie Species Fish G5 SNA 19841
Piptatherum exiguum Little Ricegrass Species Plant G5 SNR 58893
Uta stansburiana Common Side-blotched Lizard Species Reptile G5 S4 19977
Zonotrichia leucophrys White-crowned Sparrow Species Bird G5 S5 20050
Carex utriculata Beaked Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 59216
Lupinus caespitosus Stemless-dwarf Lupine Species Plant G5 SNR 59350
Carex unilateralis One-sided Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 59481
Salix barclayi Barclay's Willow Species Plant G5 SNR 59607
Cyperus erythrorhizos Red-root Flatsedge Species Plant G5 SNR 59949
Asplenium septentrionale Northern Spleenwort Species Plant G4G5 S1 60443
Poa stenantha Narrow-flower Bluegrass Species Plant G5 SNR 60895
Calochortus bruneaunis Bruneau Mariposa Lily Species Plant G5 SNR 61035
Arnica cordifolia Heart-leaved Arnica Species Plant G5 SNR 61374
Adenocaulon bicolor American Trail-plant Species Plant G5? SNR 61532
Potamogeton filiformis Slender Pondweed Species Plant G5 SNR 61685
Suaeda occidentalis Slender Seepweed Species Plant G5 SNR 61861
Leptochloa fusca Bearded Sprangletop Species Plant G5 SNR 62088
Geum x pulchrum Species Plant GNA SNA 78549
Elymus x hansenii Species Plant SNR 78951
Lupinus x alpestris Species Plant GNA SNA 79324
Eragrostis mexicana ssp. virescens Mexican Lovegrass Subspecies Plant SNR 83231
Hieracium gracile var. gracile Alpine Hawkweed Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 83328
Montia fontana ssp. fontana Fountain Miner's-lettuce Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 83455
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii Douglas-fir Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 83584
Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia Speckled Alder Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 83645
Festuca brachyphylla ssp. brachyphylla Shortleaf Fescue Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 83741
Lupinus arbustus ssp. neolaxiflorus Long-spur Lupine Subspecies Plant G5T1T3 SNR 83951
Arabis holboellii var. pinetorum Holboell's Rockcress Variety Plant G5T5? SNR 84041
Olsynium douglasii var. douglasii Dougla's Blue-eyed-grass Variety Plant G4G5TNR SNR 84288
Linnaea borealis ssp. longiflora Twinflower Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 84460
Lesquerella carinata var. carinata Variety Plant G3G4T3T4 SNR 84614
Synthyris pinnatifida var. canescens Cut-leaf Kittentail Variety Plant G4T4 SNR 84706
Abies lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa Subalpine Fir Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 84854
Arabis glabra var. glabra Tower-mustard Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 84951
Bazzania ambigua Species Plant G3G5 SNR 33747
Stipa lemmonii var. lemmonii Lemmon's Needlegrass Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 85031
Hypericum scouleri ssp. scouleri Western St. John's-wort Subspecies Plant G5T3T5 SNR 85138
Heuchera cylindrica var. alpina Poker Alumroot Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 85225
Descurainia pinnata ssp. nelsonii Nelson's Western Tansy-mustard Subspecies Plant G5T3T5 SNR 85368
Coreopsis tinctoria var. atkinsoniana Golden Tickseed Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 85511
Astragalus kentrophyta var. jessiae Thistle Milkvetch Variety Plant G5T4 S3 85619
Helianthella uniflora var. douglasii Rocky Mountain Rockrose Variety Plant G5T3T5 SNR 85747
Collema furfuraceum Scurffy Jelly Lichen Species Fungi G5 S3 38074
Senecio fremontii var. fremontii Variety Plant G5T5? SNR 85838
Mitella stauropetala var. stauropetala Variety Plant G5T3T5 SNR 85952
Polygonum minimum Leafy Dwarf Knotweed Species Plant G5 SNR 39227
Potentilla rivalis var. rivalis Brook Cinquefoil Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 86006
Rubus parviflorus var. parviflorus Thimbleberry Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 86119
Kochia americana Perennial Summer-cypress Species Plant G5 SNR 39459
Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. canbyi Leafy-bracted Aster Variety Plant G5T4 SNR 86232
Astragalus inflexus Bent Milkvetch Species Plant G4 SNR 39543
Eriogonum elatum var. villosum Tall Woolly Wild Buckwheat Variety Plant G5T2T4 SNR 86346
Galium bifolium Low Mountain Bedstraw Species Plant G5 SNR 39655
Luzula multiflora ssp. multiflora Common Woodrush Subspecies Plant SNR 86457
Townsendia exscapa Silky Townsend-daisy Species Plant G5 SNR 39955
Phlox hoodii ssp. hoodii Hood's Phlox Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 86626
Orobanche californica California Broomrape Species Plant G4 SNR 40083
Amelanchier utahensis var. utahensis Utah Serviceberry Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 86743
Lathyrus lanszwertii var. lanszwertii Nevada Peavine Subspecies Plant SNR 86820
Heuchera cylindrica var. septentrionalis Poker Alumroot Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 86918
Lomatium grayi Mountain Desert-parsley Species Plant G5 SNR 40416
Poa cusickii ssp. pallida Cusick's Bluegrass Subspecies Plant G5T4T5 SNR 87012
Salix brachycarpa ssp. brachycarpa Short-fruit Willow Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 87084
Bidens cernua Nodding Beggarticks Species Plant G5 SNR 40632
Phacelia lutea var. lutea Large-flowered Phacelia Variety Plant G4TNR SNR 87223
Apocynum androsaemifolium ssp. androsaemifolium Spreading Dogbane Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 87318
Trisetum spicatum Narrow False Oats Species Plant G5 SNR 40902
Stenotus acaulis var. acaulis Stemless Goldenweed Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 87412
Wolffia borealis Dotted Watermeal Species Plant G5 SNR 41081
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. procumbens Curve-pod Yellowcress Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 87651
Myosotis asiatica Asian Forget-me-not Species Plant G5 SNR 41156
Juncus bufonius var. occidentalis Toad Rush Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 87818
Carex mertensii Merten's Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 41287
Senecio integerrimus var. exaltatus Entireleaf Ragwort Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 87884
Polemonium occidentale ssp. occidentale Western Jacob's-ladder Subspecies Plant G5?T5? SNR 88001
Salix glauca var. villosa Gray Willow Variety Plant G5T5? SNR 88139
Eragrostis lutescens Six-weeks Lovegrass Species Plant G4 SNR 41691
Lesquerella alpina var. alpina Alpine Bladderpod Variety Plant G5T4 SNR 88223
Hieracium umbellatum Umbellate Hawkweed Species Plant G5 SNR 41819