Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 1801 - 1900 of 9916
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Polygonum sachalinense Giant Knotweed Species Plant GNR SNA 54662
Pyrrocoma linearis Thinleaf Goldenhead Species Plant 3 G4? S3 54794
Apocynum androsaemifolium Spreading Dogbane Species Plant G5 SNR 54881
Scirpus nevadensis Nevada Bulrush Species Plant G4 SNR 55011
Corispermum orientale Oriental Tick-seed Species Plant GU SNR 55085
Caulanthus pilosus Hairy Wild-cabbage Species Plant G4 SNR 55212
Asclepias involucrata Dwarf Milkweed Species Plant G5 55296
Carex incurviformis Maritime Sedge Species Plant Sensitive G4G5 S1 55430
Pulsatilla patens American Pasqueflower Species Plant G5 SNR 55575
Androsace occidentalis Western Rock-jasmine Species Plant G5 SNR 55747
Cheilanthes gracillima Lace Lipfern Species Plant G4G5 SNR 55823
Viola sempervirens Redwoods Violet Species Plant G5 S3 55908
Pyrrocoma scaberula Rough Goldenweed Species Plant 2 G2 S2 1563942
Blechnum spicant Deer-fern Species Plant 4 Sensitive G5 S3 56034
Eremogone loisiae Lois' sandwort Species Plant GNR S1 1912277
Pyrrocoma radiata Snake River Goldenweed Species Plant 3 Sensitive G3 S3 56113
Teucrium canadense American Germander Species Plant G5 S2 56198
Townsendia lemhiensis Lemhi Valley Townsend-daisy Species Plant G1 S1 2053356
Microseris nutans Nodding Silverpuffs Species Plant G5 SNR 56285
Suksdorfia ranunculifolia Buttercup-leaf Suksdorfia Species Plant G5 SNR 56345
Eriogonum androsaceum Rock-jasmine Wild Buckwheat Species Plant G4G5 SNR 56473
Convolvulus arvensis Field Bindweed Species Plant GNR SNA 56576
Cirsium arvense Creeping Thistle Species Plant GNR SNA 56670
Physostegia parviflora Purple Dragon-head Species Plant G4G5 SNR 56754
Ammannia robusta Grand Redstem Species Plant G5 S1S2 56863
Tripleurospermum perforata Scentless False Mayweed Species Plant GNR SNA 57007
Salix brachycarpa Short-fruit Willow Species Plant SNR 57141
Floerkea proserpinacoides False Mermaidweed Species Plant G5 SNR 57307
Phacelia ramosissima Branching Scorpionweed Species Plant G5? SNR 57446
Townsendia hookeri Hooker's Townsend-daisy Species Plant G5 SNR 57584
Carex brevior Fescue Sedge Species Plant G5? SNR 57660
Verbascum thapsus Common Mullein Species Plant GNR SNA 57813
Chenopodium foliosum Leafy Goosefoot Species Plant GNR SNA 57952
Eriogonum douglasii Douglas' Wild Buckwheat Species Plant G5 S1 58105
Potamogeton amplifolius Largeleaf Pondweed Species Plant G5 SNR 58230
Platanthera orbiculata Round-leaved Rein-orchid Species Plant G5 S3 58363
Allium douglasii Dougla's Onion Species Plant G4G5 SNR 58477
Galeopsis tetrahit Brittle-stem Hempnettle Species Plant GNR SNA 58631
Phacelia glandulosa Glandular Scorpionweed Species Plant G4 SNR 58732
Poa curta Short-leaved Bluegrass Species Plant G4 SNR 58833
Potentilla diversifolia Mountain Meadow Cinquefoil Species Plant SNR 58927
Oxalis stricta Common Yellow Wood Sorrel Species Plant G5 SNR 59061
Lygodesmia grandiflora Large-flower Skeleton-plant Species Plant G4G5 SNR 59172
Arceuthobium douglasii Douglas-fir Dwarf-mistletoe Species Plant G5 SNR 59320
Agastache cusickii Cusick's Giant-hyssop Species Plant 5 G3G4 S2 59431
Lonicera ciliosa Orange Honeysuckle Species Plant G5 SNR 59559
Parnassia fimbriata fringed grass-of-parnassus Species Plant G5 SNR 59666
Chaenactis leucopsis Species Plant G3G4Q SNR 59805
Penstemon cusickii Cusick's Beardtongue Species Plant G4 SNR 59903
Veratrum viride American False Hellebore Species Plant G5 SNR 60017
Cordylanthus capitatus Yakima Bird's-beak Species Plant G4 SNR 60109
Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly Everlasting Species Plant G5 SNR 60257
Eriogonum salicornioides Annual Salt Buckwheat Species Plant G3G4 S3 60401
Castilleja sulphurea Sulphur Indian-paintbrush Species Plant SNR 60494
Draba sphaerocarpa Northwestern Whitlow-grass Species Plant G4 S4 60627
Sisymbrium officinale Hairy-pod Hedge-mustard Species Plant GNR SNA 60735
Rumex maritimus Sea-side Dock Species Plant G5 SNR 60863
Sisymbrium loeselii Tall Hedge Mustard Species Plant GNR SNA 60997
Anchusa officinalis Common Bugloss Species Plant GNR SNA 61088
Centaurea montana Mountain Starthistle Species Plant GNR SNA 61188
Lotus corniculatus Garden Bird's-foot-trefoil Species Plant GNR SNA 61316
Scirpus rollandii Rolland Bulrush Species Plant 2 G3Q SNR 61408
Rumex frutescens Wedge-leaf Dock Species Plant GNR SNA 61494
Luetkea pectinata Segmented Luetkea Species Plant G5 SNR 61631
Senecio hydrophiloides Sweet Marsh Ragwort Species Plant G4G5 SNR 61800
Eriogonum sp. 4 War Eagle Mountain Buckwheat Species Plant GNR S1 67693
Salix petrophila Alpine Willow Species Plant G3G5 SNR 67956
Equisetum x mackaii Species Plant SNR 78801
Equisetum x ferrissii Hybrid Species Plant GNA SNA 79220
x Amelasorbus jackii Species Plant GNA SNA 79574
Lathyrus nevadensis ssp. nevadensis Sierra Nevada Peavine Subspecies Plant G5T4T5 SNR 82999
Brickellia oblongifolia var. oblongifolia Narrowleaf Brickell-bush Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 83068
Eriogonum shockleyi var. packardiae Packard's Buckwheat Subspecies Plant 4 G5T2Q S2 83192
Phlox viridis ssp. longipes Green Phlox Subspecies Plant G5TNR SNR 83283
Eriogonum umbellatum var. dichrocephalum Sulphur-flower Wild Buckwheat Variety Plant G5T3T5 SNR 83416
Penstemon humilis ssp. humilis Gray Beardtongue Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 83524
Poa glauca ssp. rupicola Timberline Bluegrass Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 83622
Saxifraga bronchialis ssp. austromontana Yellow-spot Saxifrage Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 83696
Silene uralensis ssp. montana Petalless Campion Subspecies Plant G4G5TNR S1 83813
Ambrosia trifida var. trifida Subspecies Plant SNR 83905
Carex magellanica ssp. magellanica Bog Sedge Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 84009
Solidago missouriensis var. fasciculata Missouri Goldenrod Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 84118
Lewisia columbiana var. wallowensis Columbia Lewisia Variety Plant G4T4 SNR 84221
Poa fendleriana ssp. fendleriana Muttongrass Subspecies Plant SNR 84329
Spiraea douglasii var. menziesii Dougla's Meadowsweet Variety Plant G5T5? SNR 84427
Campanula parryi var. idahoensis Parry's Northern Harebell Subspecies Plant SNR 84515
Dryas octopetala ssp. hookeriana Hooker's Eight-petal Mountain-avens Subspecies Plant G5T4 SNR 84580
Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens Small Yellow Lady's-slipper Variety Plant Sensitive G5T5 S1 84677
Ranunculus andersonii var. andersonii Anderson's Buttercup Variety Plant G4TNR SNR 84782
Selaginella densa var. densa Dense Spike-moss Subspecies Plant SNR 84919
Ulota curvifolia Curve-leaved Ulota Species Plant G3G5 SU 33541
Claytonia sibirica var. sibirica Siberian Springbeauty Subspecies Plant SNR 85002
Anemone multifida var. globosa Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 85102
Andreaea heinemannii Heinemann's Andreaea Moss Species Plant G3G5 S1 34877
Astragalus lentiginosus var. lentiginosus Mottled Milkvetch Variety Plant G5T4 SNR 85208
Jungermannia rubra Species Plant G2G4 SNR 35524
Castilleja pallescens var. pallescens Pallid Indian-paintbrush Variety Plant G4T4? SNR 85317
Grimmia hamulosa a dry rock moss Species Plant GNR S1 36017
Lepidium dictyotum var. dictyotum Veiny Pepper-grass Variety Plant G5T3T5 SNR 85469
Lophozia guttulata Species Plant G4G5 SNR 36572