Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 3501 - 3600 of 9916
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Limnodromus scolopaceus Long-billed Dowitcher Species Bird G5 S4M 15915
Hypericum frondosum Golden St. John's-wort Species Plant G4 SNR 55184
Digamasellus varipunctatus A Mite Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1474061
Regulus satrapa Golden-crowned Kinglet Species Bird G5 S5 16028
Carex crawei Craw Sedge Species Plant G5 S1 55277
Pardosa groenlandica A Wolf Spider Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1474077
Erethizon dorsatum North American Porcupine Species Mammal G5 S5 16181
Potamogeton illinoensis Illinois Pondweed Species Plant G5 SNR 55397
Tetragnatha laboriosa Silver Longjawed Orbweaver Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1474093
Alosa sapidissima American Shad Species Fish G5 SNA 16293
Salix pseudomonticola False Mountain Willow Species Plant 3 G4G5 S1 55530
Sphyrapicus nuchalis Red-naped Sapsucker Species Bird G5 S4B 16394
Carex angustata Narrow Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 55695
Admetovis similaris A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1474127
Calypte anna Anna's Hummingbird Species Bird G5 SNA 16505
Equisetum scirpoides Dwarf Scouring-rush Species Plant G5 SNR 55811
Abagrotis striata A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474143
Riparia riparia Bank Swallow Species Bird G5 S4B 16592
Argemone munita Munite Prickly-poppy Species Plant G4 S1 55898
Anarta crotchii A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S5 1474159
Oreoscoptes montanus Sage Thrasher Species Bird 2 G5 S3B Tier 2 16738
Heuchera parvifolia Littleleaf Alumroot Species Plant G5 SNR 56005
Homoglaea californica A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1474175
Myotis volans Long-legged Myotis Species Mammal 2 G4G5 S3 16889
Rorippa sylvestris Creeping Yellowcress Species Plant G5 SNA 56092
Aseptis adnixa A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474191
Aythya marila Greater Scaup Species Bird G5 SNA 17072
Penstemon laxus Idaho Beardtongue Species Plant 2 G2 S2 56183
Ceranemota fasciata A Thyatirid Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1474207
Larus fuscus Lesser Black-backed Gull Species Bird G5 SNA 17192
Potamogeton alpinus Northern Pondweed Species Plant G5 SNR 56277
Cucullia eulepis A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474389
Canis latrans Coyote Species Mammal G5 S5 17263
Packera cana Silvery Ragwort Species Plant G5 SNR 56336
Drasteria nubicola A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474422
Selasphorus rufus Rufous Hummingbird Species Bird G5 S4B 17400
Spiranthes porrifolia Western Ladies' Tresses Species Plant G4 S1 56463
Eucoptocnemis canescens A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474456
Buteo jamaicensis Red-tailed Hawk Species Bird G5 S4 17490
Atriplex patula Halberd-leaf Saltbush Species Plant SNR 56540
Euxoa bochus A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1474489
Surnia ulula Northern Hawk-Owl Species Bird G5 SNA 17596
Hackelia hispida Rough Stickseed Species Plant G4 SNR 56657
Euxoa flavicollis A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1474520
Passerina cyanea Indigo Bunting Species Bird G5 SNA 17727
Thelypodium eucosmum Arrow-leaf Thelypody Species Plant G2 SNR 56736
Euxoa nostra A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S5 1474551
Marmota caligata Hoary Marmot Species Mammal G5 S4 Tier 3 17870
Viola renifolia Kidneyleaf White Violet Species Plant G5 SNR 56841
Euxoa scotogrammoides A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474569
Calidris subruficollis Buff-breasted Sandpiper Species Bird G4 SNA 18005
Descurainia californica California Tansy-mustard Species Plant G5 SNR 56974
Grammia ornata Ornate Tiger Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S5 1474585
Passerina caerulea Blue Grosbeak Species Bird G5 S1B 18138
Erigeron cronquistii Cronquist's Daisy Species Plant G2 SNR 57098
Hydroeciodes serrata A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474601
Oreamnos americanus Mountain Goat Species Mammal G5 S3 Tier 3 18271
Erigeron caespitosus Caespitose Fleabane Species Plant G5 SNR 57301
Sympistis sokar A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1474617
Onychomys leucogaster Northern Grasshopper Mouse Species Mammal G5 S4 18361
Juncus tenuis Slender Rush Species Plant G5 SNR 57408
Andrena chapmanae A Miner Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1474645
Larus marinus Great Black-backed Gull Species Bird G5 SNA 18489
Distichlis spicata Seashore Saltgrass Species Plant G5 SNR 57545
Hyppa indistincta A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1474676
Selasphorus platycercus Broad-tailed Hummingbird Species Bird G5 S5B 18597
Astragalus agrestis Don Meadow Milkvetch Species Plant G5 SNR 57644
Mamestra configurata A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1474709
Corvus brachyrhynchos American Crow Species Bird G5 S5 18736
Monolepis pusilla Red Poverty-weed Species Plant G5 SNR 57796
Orgyia pseudotsugata Douglas Fir Tussock Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S5 1474743
Martes americana American Marten Species Mammal G5 S5 18839
Ionactis stenomeres Rocky Mountain Aster Species Plant G4 SNR 57936
Pleromelloida cinerea Ashy Pleromelloida Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474778
Ictalurus furcatus Blue Catfish Species Fish G5 SNA 18956
Polystichum andersonii Anderson Holly-fern Species Plant G4 SNR 58076
Protoperigea anotha Kaslo Rustic Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474865
Calidris acuminata Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Species Bird G5 SNA 19074
Lagophylla ramosissima Slender Hareleaf Species Plant G5 SNR 58186
Rhizagrotis stylata A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474895
Reithrodontomys megalotis Western Harvest Mouse Species Mammal G5 S4 19182
Mentzelia dispersa Mada Stick-leaf Species Plant G5 SNR 58351
Simyra insularis Henry's Marsh Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S5 1474925
Eremophila alpestris Horned Lark Species Bird G5 S5 19323
Lupinus argenteus Silvery Lupine Species Plant G5 SNR 58456
Sympistis coprocolor A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474955
Chlidonias niger Black Tern Species Bird 2 G4 S2B Tier 2 19458
Polygonum punctatum Dotted Smartweed Species Plant G5 SNR 58608
Tridepia nova A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474985
Thymallus arcticus Arctic Grayling Species Fish G5 SNA 19610
Alopecurus pratensis Meadow Foxtail Species Plant GNR SNA 58718
Acilius abbreviatus A Predaceous Diving Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1475019
Aechmophorus occidentalis Western Grebe Species Bird G5 S2B Tier 2 19787
Cleome lutea Yellow Spiderflower Species Plant G5 SNR 58820
Agonum suturale A Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475054
Perdix perdix Gray Partridge Species Bird G5 SNA 19899
Iris missouriensis Western Blue Iris Species Plant G5 SNR 58922
Andrena angustitarsata A Miner Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475075
Antrozous pallidus Pallid Bat Species Mammal 2 G4 S3 20004
Potentilla multisecta Diverse-leaved Cinquefoil Species Plant G3G4Q SNR 59053